Canon R5 Hi-Res Comparison: Redone


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Apr 2, 2023
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David Manzi
Following some good advice I got here, I reshot the hi-res mode and compared it to the original and a Topaz AI up-res'd image. The winner, to me, is the hi-res version. Compare the detail on the wall from both shots. I used the 24-105 RF L lens at f8, a sturdy tripod, and a bluetooth trigger.

Appreciate the advice on keeping the camera steady. It works, but it does appear that any camera or subject movement is a no-go for this mode.


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Agree that hi-res is sharper (saw that myself) and agree about motion. Camera must be steady. Tripod is a must. Those that do product photography might find a use for this hi-res feature.
Thought I'd go for it. The firmware installation went well and I set up in our laundry room with sunlight through a window on a basic resolution target. The difference is dramatic indeed. Now to find a use for the new tool.
I used my trusty old EF 100 f/2.8 Macro lens. Electronic shutter and wireless remote seemed to have prevented camera shake.
The IBIS HR file is, of course, very large so it's reduced to the same size as the normal files. This is my first posting and is therefore an experiment. Hope it works.


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Yes, "motion-free" is absolutely the key. It should make for some nice banknote lens testing shots at the very least.
I'm sure someone can and will come up with a suitable use for this function. I'm also sure it will evolve into something more powerful as time and technology advance. Meanwhile, perhaps an ultra-high resolution sensor will come along.
I would think one needs the best of your L lenses as well. I have the EF105f2.8L IS USM macro which seems to be a candidate along with my 50,85 and 135 Sigma Art lenses. Perhaps the RF50f1.2L is a good choice too. I will have to shoot some charts of my own. I have several of the same test charts on a magnetic blackboard to allow me to test as different shooting distancess. Charts like those that you used.
I had actually not looked closely at the charts I had. They are lithographed and therefore made up of halftone dots. I may looked around and see if there is a reasonably priced chart available without the dots. To be fair, it wasn't a big deal for such a casual test.
Product shots would certainly be a good application because the lighting would be controlled. We'll soon see what all those creative people out there come up with I'm sure.
My charts are 8.5x11 inches each. I have several of them on a magnetic "white-board" on wheels for ease in storing it then moving it prior to and after usage. My charts have a 2014 DGK Color Tools copyright on them. I assume mine also have some type of halftone screening to generate the grayscale. However, since I have 5 of these charts on the diagonal the dots are small at the average shooting distance to span all five of the charts. I bought my charts on Ebay.
  • SM-G998U
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If the the lithography is 300 dpi then my board would have roughly 100 megapixels of detail by my estimate. The best possible resolution of the IBIS Hi Res is 400 megapixels but likely the lens sharpness would be less capable that the ibis camera mode and maybe the resolution of the L grade lenses is the weaker link for impairing the image resolution than the IBIS readout mode. .
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