Birds Bald Eagle in 4 seconds

Dean Wilson

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Mar 15, 2023
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Dean Wilson
Canby, Oregon
CC Welcome
  1. Yes
Something from the morning walk.

Four seconds after the Bald Eagle was pointed out to me it flew away due to the harassment of an Osprey (heard only).

The shrub and trees prevented any other composition and the solid grey smooth sky was horrible and I know it is not an epic photograph, but it is the first eagle I have photographed.

  • Canon EOS R5
  • RF100-500mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USM
  • 500.0 mm
  • ƒ/7.1
  • 1/1000 sec
  • ISO 800
It's still a great photo Dean. Our biggest eagles here in Western Australia are Wedgetail Eagles and Ospreys and in my experience having driven all over this great state, if you go out of the cities the Wedgies are in abundance everywhere. They love the Kangaroo road kill.
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I will always remember my first Eagle.
1- it was my first
2- because I never expected to find an Eagle close to Miami.
It's a really nice shot
Something from the morning walk.

Four seconds after the Bald Eagle was pointed out to me it flew away due to the harassment of an Osprey (heard only).

The shrub and trees prevented any other composition and the solid grey smooth sky was horrible and I know it is not an epic photograph, but it is the first eagle I have photographed.

View attachment 19723
It's a really nice shot and the branches and everything really give a sense of place. It's always amazing to be able to photograph them.
Actually think the framing works really well on the image, a nice vignette of darker branches works well
Thank you.

I only had a moment to compose and I knew what I wanted (and hoped for). I let nature do the vignetting for me with much closer out-of-focus branches.

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