bald eagle

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  1. Eagle admiring itself

    Eagle admiring itself

  2. Eagle Close Up in Flight

    Eagle Close Up in Flight

  3. Wet eagle landing making a landing

    Wet eagle landing making a landing

  4. jcass

    Birds  Bald Eagle for my first BIF

    Last Fall, I bought the RF 100-500 and started taking pics of birds. It has been challenging to say the least, but I enjoy learning new things. I feel that I've made progress with static birds, though still a long way to go. Birds in flight, on the other hand, have eluded me. I just can't...
  5. May 13, 2023_Magee Marsh_9561.jpg

    May 13, 2023_Magee Marsh_9561.jpg

  6. May 13, 2023_Magee Marsh_9538.jpg

    May 13, 2023_Magee Marsh_9538.jpg

    Baby Bald Eagles
  7. May 13, 2023_Magee Marsh_9526.jpg

    May 13, 2023_Magee Marsh_9526.jpg

    Mama Bald Eagle
  8. Bald Eagle taking off on an early morning hunt.

    Bald Eagle taking off on an early morning hunt.

  9. Bald Eagle - Backlit in Flight

    Bald Eagle - Backlit in Flight

  10. AKVet

    Birds  Bald Eagle Just Returning from a Fresh Kill

    This Bald Eagle just returned from a fresh kill. You can get a good view of the blood on his head in this photo. This guy is apparently an aggressive hunter. You can see the battle scars on his beak.
  11. Bald Eagle

    Bald Eagle

  12. When is My Wife Coming Home

    When is My Wife Coming Home

    This what we think is the male of the family looking around for its mate. Nurturing those eggs can be a chore. He would rather be out hunting. R7; 100-500 @ 500 cropped to 75% of original. Enlarge image to see details.
  13. Bald Eagle

    Bald Eagle

    I wish he was sitting on a tree branch instead of the harbor light. R6MII & RF 100-500
  14. Bald Eagle 2.jpg

    Bald Eagle 2.jpg

  15. Bald Eagle 3.jpg

    Bald Eagle 3.jpg

  16. Bald Eagle and Rabit's Foot.jpg

    Bald Eagle and Rabit's Foot.jpg

    Nothing goes to waste.
  17. Bald Eagle-1

    Bald Eagle-1

    Bald Eagles in flight today in Ocean County
  18. photogal_la

    Birds  Birds from Yellowstone and Paradise Valley in late October

    Not many birds to be found in Yellowstone this late in the year, but I see a pair of bald eagles in the Lamar Valley, and also stumbled upon a field with 100+ migrating sandhill cranes in nearby Pray, Montana. All images shot with an R5 and a Sigma f/5-6.3 150-600mm lens, handheld.
  19. Immature Bald Eagle

    Immature Bald Eagle

    Immature Bald Eagle in a brisk wind. Skagit County, Washington, USA