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  1. Holly Blue

    Holly Blue

    B****y good macro lens this.
  2. Orange Tip. (f)

    Orange Tip. (f)

    Loving the RF 100-500, it seems to be pin-sharp throughout the focal range.
  3. Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly.jpg

    Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly.jpg

  4. Silver-spotted Skipper.jpg

    Silver-spotted Skipper.jpg

  5. 0032.jpg


  6. 0030.jpg


  7. Parnasian Butterfly.jpg

    Parnasian Butterfly.jpg

    Parnasian Butterfly on Wildflower - Smooth Fleabane
  8. Pink-edged Sulphur.jpg

    Pink-edged Sulphur.jpg

    Pink-edged Sulphur on a Buttercup
  9. Checkerspot taking off from Smooth Fleabane.jpg

    Checkerspot taking off from Smooth Fleabane.jpg

    It is fun trying to catch them in flight.
  10. Blue Butterfly.jpg

    Blue Butterfly.jpg

    Blue Butterflies are tiny and don't stop for long.
  11. Fritillary Butterfly

    Fritillary Butterfly

    Fritillary Butterfly
  12. Anise Swallowtail Butterfly

    Anise Swallowtail Butterfly

    Anise Swallowtail Butterfly
  13. Cabbage Butterfly on a Dandelion

    Cabbage Butterfly on a Dandelion
