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  1. 1Q4A2865-Edit.jpg


    Male Goshawk. Canon R6 Canon RF 100-500
  2. Off the grid living...

    Off the grid living...

    A very "dreich" day in bonny Scotland - "Dreich" - meaning dull or gloomy. A iconic location in Glencoe, photographed by thousands in all sorts of weather.
  3. Glencoe


    A rainy day in Autumn, Glencoe Scotland well worth the wet feet...
  4. Strathspey Railway Engine CR 828

    Strathspey Railway Engine CR 828

    Strathspey Railway Engine CR 828 pulling out of Boat of Garten Station
  5. Strathspey Railway Engine CR 828

    Strathspey Railway Engine CR 828

    Strathspey Railway Engine CR 828 taking on water at Boat of Garten Station
  6. Buzzard


    Taken with a R6.
  7. Oystercatcher


    An Oystercatcher in flight in the early morning. Three birds were very active near where I live. They have young in the field nearby I was trying the electronic shutter on my R6 for the first time and didn't realise I had taken 32 shots in two bursts until I got the memory card into the computer!