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  1. Northern Flicker.jpg

    Northern Flicker.jpg

    I heard a piercing call and observed a Northern Flicker in a tree, high above me.
  2. Black woodpecker inflight (2)

    Black woodpecker inflight (2)

    A few days ago in the Fanel Nature Reserve (CH) there was heavy air traffic (cormorants&crows), when a dark silhouette of unfamilair (for me) shape traversed the other birds in a straight line. Hardly time to lift my R7+RF100-500, to locate the bird and to take a few shots before the bird was gone.
  3. Black woodpecker in flight (1)

    Black woodpecker in flight (1)

    A few days ago in the Fanel Nature Reserve (CH) there was heavy air traffic (cormorants&crows), when a dark silhouette of unfamilair (for me) shape traversed the other birds in a straight line. Hardly time to lift my R7+RF100-500, to locate the bird and to take a few shots before the bird was gone.
  4. Northern Flicker.jpg

    Northern Flicker.jpg

    Northern Flicker - red-shafted
  5. Downy Woodpecker.jpg

    Downy Woodpecker.jpg

    Downy Woodpeckers are small and quick.
  6. Great Spotted Woodpecker

    Great Spotted Woodpecker

    Testing EF lens plus adapter on to R5
  7. Downy Woodpecker

    Downy Woodpecker

    This tiny little Downy Woodpecker usually hops, spiraling up tree trunks hunting for bugs. Today he is a bit of an acrobat, hanging upside down from one foot as he forages. I had to be quick to photograph him.
  8. Northern Flicker - Female - Red Shafted

    Northern Flicker - Female - Red Shafted

    I had fun trying out my 1.4 extender on of this female Northern Flicker. I am not sure why the extender does not show up in the metadata. I couldn't see it in Lightroom either. I wonder why.