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Welcome to our Canon RF Shooters Forum

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Hi there,

my name is Gaël, i live in France 30km away from Paris; I'm a long canon hobyist, started with Canon EOS50 (film camera) in late 90s, then went digital with 400D, 60D, 90D (my current camera). I ordered and finally received my R7 last week, but waiting for Santa to officially put it under Xmas tree before i can open the box, and it's killing me :D

I am interested by a bit of everything in photography, but focussed last years on animals shooting (dogs, cats, horses...) as I even started my own business with it.

I'm thrilled with what R7 can bring me in terms of AF especially when shooting running dogs & so.

Also, like may enthousiasts here, love shooting birds so i can't wait pairing my sigma 150-600C with it.

Hope to learn and exchange a lot here !


