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  1. 1Q4A2865-Edit.jpg


    Male Goshawk in the wild
  2. February 26, 2022_IceStorm4_184.jpg

    February 26, 2022_IceStorm4_184.jpg

    Wing caught in the sun
  3. February 26, 2022_IceStorm4_132.jpg

    February 26, 2022_IceStorm4_132.jpg

    Goldfinch after ice storm
  4. 342B3486-5290-40DF-865F-0DBFDBA612C8.jpeg


    Female great horned owl
  5. Chickadee


    Backyard visitor
  6. bird babies.jpg

    bird babies.jpg

    baby starlings in my roof eave
  7. Osprey in Flight

    Osprey in Flight

    Osprey ready for the catch.
  8. St Vrain Sunrise

    St Vrain Sunrise

    Sunrise, an Osprey with a fish, and reflections
  9. Heron & Comorant.jpg

    Heron & Comorant.jpg

    Comorant swam into the herons space.
  10. Morning Huddle

    Morning Huddle

    Four pelicans in early morning sun.
  11. Heron Side View

    Heron Side View

    Great Blue Heron in Flight
  12. Posing Siskin

    Posing Siskin

    Testing driving the Canon RF 100-500mm
  13. Pelican Portrait

    Pelican Portrait

    Close up of swimming pelican
  14. Drying Out

    Drying Out

    Pelican standing on log in early morning sun.
  15. Grey Heron.jpg

    Grey Heron.jpg

  16. Eurasian Treecreeper.jpg

    Eurasian Treecreeper.jpg

  17. Bathing time for Great Crested Grebe.jpg

    Bathing time for Great Crested Grebe.jpg

  18. Pair of Great Crested Grebe.jpg

    Pair of Great Crested Grebe.jpg

  19. Great Crested Grebe.jpg

    Great Crested Grebe.jpg
