Canon EOS R faulty touch and drag AF

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Oct 26, 2021
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So this conveniently happened a week after I sold my 7D mrk 2

has anyone else had issues with EOS R with drag and touch on photo live view where it stops working or becomes glitchy all of a sudden?

Mine did this after only two and a half months of owning the camera new from curry’s, it happened all of a sudden on photo mode ( love view) but works fine if I turn off shoot with out memory card and take out my card.

- I have tried different cards
- Different lenses native RF and EOS with canon adaptor
- resetting the camera
- reinstalling the firmware.
- different batteries

But nothing fixed it

I spoke with a few camera shops, plus curry’s and canon directly and no one has heard about this, although I saw another thread where someone had this issue with 2-3 EOS R cameras in a row from canon after jsut a few hours of shooting. So I don’t am understand why canon has 0 record or so thing like this.

My situation at the moment I’ve been asked to send the camera back to the shop I bought it from for a replacement (curry’s) but they refuse with out trying to repair it first as apparently it’s against policy to replace it after the first 30 days however repair can apparently take up to 28 days if they have the parts and up to a few months if they have to wait for parts. The only way around they said is if Canon says it’s not fixable and writes it off.

No loan camera was offered even when asked.

However curry’s was nice enough to let me know that if they do replace the camera it may not be with a new one, it might be a refurbished one if they don’t have a new in stock at the time .

This is all a bit Sh*t after dropping nearly £3500 on camera, bag, lens and accessories two and a half months ago and only used it a few times!

To add to it it’s all on fincance and if it takes more than a month they won’t even pause the payments

I said to them what if it takes several months ti half a year, I need this camera for some events that’s already booked in December January and February and they just said I’ll still ah e to pay monthly payments and I always got the option to buy a new camera. Like surely this kind of service is not aloud!

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