I think this is the right place for this, it's not really macro (I certainly didn't want to get too close)! but it was shot with a 100mm macro (and a softbox over a handheld flash
There were actually a few considerations that went into the final crop of this image. Whilst I like the 16x9 format for landscape I am not fond of it for single animal images and I liked the textures of the log so I did not want to crop that. Secondly I was not looking for a tight shot and didn’t mind the negative space to show the viper in an environment, the fact that the background is all black was intentional due to the messiness of the setting behind it.
Hahaha. Not to say that I didn’t do that with moving subjects but for relatively calm ones like this I like to compose in camera and be thoughtful of my composition. Of course now that I’ve looked at it again and thought more on it I will probably do a crop and post it to get some feedback