You’re venturing into dangerous territory: true believers versus unbelievers!
It’s an interesting topic which has been exhaustively tackled in a Nikon-dominated wildlife photography forum that some of us belong to. I’ll enlighten myself by checking back there and scouring the University of YouTube.
Back before too long: but first, I need to figure out an explanation that doesn’t confound rather than clarify the issue.
I watched it and I'm not changing anything. M mode with Auto ISO and EC as needed. Things change too quickly when birding and I'll be the first to admit I'm just too lazy to mess around with still shots.
For the last few years I have been using Adobe Neutral as my colour profile which is very flat even with a good exposure. Auto in LrC followed by my edits corrects any DR loss. I started out with linear profiles but went with Adobe Neutral based on this. The author likes to use the Camera's neutral profile but I think Auto plays better with an Adobe profile.
A critical look at linear camera profiles – do they really come with all the benefits that some articles and videos claim?
If anyone wants a link to a linear profile repository let me know.
I almost always use Adobe Enhance window. I probably apply Denoise AI more than I need too because it also applies RAW Details. I should probably just use RAW Details when there is no need to reduce noise. I'll start to incorporate it. As shown in the video I have a preset that takes sharpening to zero before I apply it and another preset that puts it back to +30 and adds a little more Masking. Then I tweak as needed.
The problem that I see is that you can not assume that one configuration can deal with all situations.
Landscape photography like portrait photography gives you enough time to think on your settings, drink a cup of coffee, rethink about your settings and then click the shutter button.
You can't say that all you know about ISO is wrong when we are using Auto ISO as a result of the evolution or progress made in the mirrorless cameras and denoise applications which allow us now to use this setting without worrying to much about noise. 10 years ago using Auto ISO was just impossible. It's not realistic to deny the advantages of having Auto ISO in any type of Action photography or even street photography.
I use Auto ISO for everything bar night time/sunset storm photography
Got asked to photograph an indoor foal show with artificial light and natural can see auto ISO super beneficial that day and yep I will post some of my efforts on here. Three weeks time.
Shitting myself a bit actually only ever done wifes horses and few close horse friends