One of the Mysteries of life or forums🙄


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Jun 23, 2022
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Peter Blacket
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Why do people let’s use this forum for instance Canon RF, someone asks advice for a camera.
Then people respond buy a Nikon xxx or Leica xxx they must think it’s funny trolling.
See it all the time lately nothing better to do I suppose
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I think that people simply don't read and fully comprehend the question or issue presented. I often see a similar scenario, where someone is having, for example, problems with their camera buffer filling up while shooting. They state that they have tried various different memory cards, even listed the ones tried, but the issue exists regardless of which type/brand of card is used. A kind soul responds and says that it could be that their memory card is faulty and they should try a different card.
I am a dying breed in that my go-to is the product manual. I have years of experience researching that started in college well before the Internet was even a dream. Social Media is the last place I search for answers for the same reason @Bryan Conner stated, "...people simply don't read and fully comprehend the question or issue presented."

I had a lawyer give me great advice one time:

Listen to the question.
Understand the question.
Answer the question.
Shut up.

This as helped my through college in taking the quizzes and tests...except for the last is substituted with, move along.
It could be that some people have been conditioned to answer their own imaginary question instead of the literal question being asked. It happens all the time in all sorts of contexts (in real life and online), and yes, it is difficult to take such people seriously.
I think that people tend to love the "sarcastic mode".

In another hand, it's like a defensive mechanism "if you are criticizing the camera that I own and love you are criticizing my decision to own one and that means that I made a bad decision buying a faulty camera!" and if you are doing that we need to get rid of you here, "go and buy a Sony or Nikon" in this way "we will not see more of your attacks".

So... It's not a mystery, it's human nature. My opinion.
Hmm ok all. Like i never post or look on a Nikon forum or sony forum etc etc let alone say "buy a canon" on those forums
I think that people tend to love the "sarcastic mode".
I could be accused of this if my answer isn't what you are looking for when asked: "What's the best camera that won't break the bank?"
Probably because we don't use the same bank? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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