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I have an R5

I have the chance to get a mint body at a huge saving ... but only one ..R3 or R8.

No options, one or the other. 

Now, greed says R3 but common sense says R8.   I would use the R8 with a 24-240.  The R3 I would use with 24-70, 70-200 and 100-500 ... but I am a casual photographer these days.  No sports or journo ... just street, location and fun.

Views ?

I guess I could sell either and not make a loss after say a year, such is the saving .... now I have tried the R3 in my hands and it is awesome but big.  Great AF.

The R8 I have held in a sealed bag as the dealer only had a brand new one and not one to demo,  Compared to my R5 to be fair the body felt tiny and actually great as a result as FF ... and the idea of  24-240 on it seemed good ...

But what do I do.  I can afford the R3 at stretch but the R8 is more likely to get use ... or will it just make my R5 redundant ?   R3 is so capable and stacked sensor ... but not the mp of the R5 and I love to crop ... Comments welcome .... as I could also get an RF 28-70 f2 at great discount but not if I got the R3.  (I've had a 28-70 and loved it but traded it as not used too much)

What to do to best expand my kit ... or do nothing as I actually have what I need ?
