No good photos, but a story... A fish hatchery in our area is a stop-over for migrating Great Blue Herons. I went there an evening a couple of weeks ago, there were four folks already watching the hatchery and counting the arriving herons. The count was in the low '40's at that point. By the end of the evening, we were at 77, plus 2 Bald Eagles and numerous other small birds. Across the fish hatchery from us was a ridge line that began its steep assent for 200 more yards. The herons roosted along that ridge line for evening, before moving on for the next leg of their journey the next day.
The off limit areas, the fences and the distances make it tough to get photos. But it was an awesome experience. Image 70+ GBHO's in the trees 200 yards across from you. The photos below are 7 BGHO in a tree, one resting on a lamp post with the hatchery fence, and a awkward looking pic of a Great Egret that was banking as if flew along the treeline.