Canon R1 R1 coming, are you ready


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Feb 18, 2021
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Tero Patana
Btw should we soon add new section in the gear area for R1?

On the rumored specs at Canonrumors, two items that would make me very happy:

-very fast read-out (so fast they don't include mechanical shutter) (hopefully include user configurable variable frame rate though)

-one second pre-record. Especially my sports easily at least 50% of bursts I already know were not correct timing so learning to utilize the 1 second buffer would be great way to reduce culling. Just need to learn to do that correctly.

Anyone else looking/interested in R1?
Anyone else looking/interested in R1?
Would love to play with one but probably way more camera than I can justify - from both a need and price perspective.

Love the idea of 1 second pre-burst, but hate that I need to incorporate their software into my workflow to use it, particularly when it will likely be the exception shots and not the usual. Given that I'm hearing 2025 for the R5Mii I can only hope that some of this tech finds its way there. Until then I can work with what I've got.
Very disappointed. It's most definitely a sports camera. I expected a higher mp sensor. As a wildlife shooter it's not for me at any price. And before the "30mps is enough" crowd chimes in.... I often crop as much as 100% with my R5 shots. Someone said, "jsut zoom with your feet." And I replied....yeah go ahead and let me know how that works out for you.
A Mighty Roar.jpg
I'd be astonished if it were anything BUT a sports camera. Action has been the focus of the 1 series for a long time now. With global shutter being the new must-have feature, and ever-increasing AF horsepower being brought to the table, sports is the logical use. And 30MP is plenty for that, and a nice bump up from previous 1 bodies and even the R3.

Looks like you are doing just fine with what you have!
I think that Canon is confident that their target market for the R1 - pro's in sports, journalism, whatever - prioritize other features of the camera over the cropping. Pro sports photographers have field access and are closer to action. They also tend to have pro level zoom lenses that most folks can't afford. In the technical tradeoffs, more MP's mean more data to move and process and (relatively) lower frame rate speeds given the same processing horsepower. So, yes, I can see where 30MP would fit the target market given the balance sheet of all the specs (still TBD) considered.

I have an R5 too and my top wish-list item for the Mark II is prebuffer shooting. At 45MP, I suspect the prebuffer will be significantly shorter than the R1's. But, I'll take what I can get because of the tradeoff of 15MP more to process.
All comes down to cost - will have to wait and see ;-)
Would love to play with one but probably way more camera than I can justify - from both a need and price perspective.

Love the idea of 1 second pre-burst, but hate that I need to incorporate their software into my workflow to use it, particularly when it will likely be the exception shots and not the usual. Given that I'm hearing 2025 for the R5Mii I can only hope that some of this tech finds its way there. Until then I can work with what I've got.

Wait what? Can you explain more about that?

I was assuming it starts recording when you half-press the shutter, keeps last 1 second of pics as long as you hold it, and then if you full-press it'll permanently record them on your card. If you release without pressing full, it'll just flush out the buffered pics. I wasn't aware that there's any SW required.

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