General Full-Frame Question Focus bracketing

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Jun 23, 2022
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Peter Blacket
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Gday all while since i posted.

SDS storm deprevation syndrome setting in.

Was gonna try something new Focus Bracketing

Am i correct focus point does not move just depth of field? Via aperture mostly and of course other parameters automatically change with it?

And not saved as a raw or am i wrong?

Read manual etc think ive got it.

Thinking some sort of landscape.

have a good weekend all.
DOF stays the same, focus walks its way back (away from you). Start around f/8 and leave the increment at the default of 4. It's only Electronic Shutter, and if you composite the image in-camera it's a JPEG. Set a lot of frames and then press the shutter a second time to stop when you see that the focus has passed the subject.

It works really well IMO.
If you’re doing auto focus bracketing with an RF mount camera, then your camera is stationary. The focus point moves through your scene. Your aperture does not change (for consistent exposure). As your focus point moves deeper through the scene, your depth of field naturally changes a bit as subject distance is one of the variables that determines depth of field.

As this happens, you may notice some affects from focus breathing. So you want to frame your subject such that it fits in frame at all focus distances. Your depth composite will make adjustments to properly align the images and crop appropriately to account for focus breathing.

Your camera will save all raw files if you wish. Depending on the camera, it may complete the depth composite in camera. But anything but the latest releases require you to use software to complete the depth composite. Which I recommend anyway for greater control and editing precision.

If you’re using macro rails and physically moving your camera for the bracket, disregard everything I said above. 😁

What you’ve described (gradually increasing depth of field) would be aperture bracketing. Stepping down for each subsequent shot for greater depth of field. Assuming I read your post correctly.
Gday all while since i posted.

SDS storm deprevation syndrome setting in.

Was gonna try something new Focus Bracketing

Am i correct focus point does not move just depth of field? Via aperture mostly and of course other parameters automatically change with it?

And not saved as a raw or am i wrong?

Read manual etc think ive got it.

Thinking some sort of landscape.

have a good weekend all.
I did quite a lot handheld in-camera focus bracketing/depth composite with my EOS-R7 / EF 100mm f/2.8 macro IS. Mostly used in macro insects or flowers. You can find my posts and photos in macro & closeup genres. I didn’t try it with landscape.

Not all the Canon lenses support focus bracketing, you can check it in the following website

The in-camera focus bracketing (Canon) does not support flash except EOS R3 with Canon EL-1 flash.

Auto focus must be used (No manual focus)

Your subject cannot move while the image stack is being shot. So aware of strong wind and very hot air current from the ground.

Enable the depth composite option in the focus bracketing menu so that after the shot, the camera would generate a stack jpg photo. Most of the stack jpg photos are readily usable. The individual files in the sequence could be in raw/craw or jpg format.

You can stack the files with Photoshop or Zerene Stacker or Helicon Focus.
I use Canon DPP because it is free, powerful and easy to use. ( A little bit slow)
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Not all the Canon lenses support focus bracketing, you can check it in the following website
Canon : Supplemental Information : Lenses and Flash Units Compatible with Focus Bracketing
The in-camera focus bracketing (Canon) does not support flash except EOS R3 with Canon EL-1 flash.
The info on that page is not comprehensive. Notice, for instance, that the lens you use (and I use, too) is not on the supported list. And with the R3, you can use other flashes besides the EL-1. I use my 430EXii, but I use the "Flash interval" setting to add a delay between frames to ensure that it can recover.
The info on that page is not comprehensive. Notice, for instance, that the lens you use (and I use, too) is not on the supported list. And with the R3, you can use other flashes besides the EL-1. I use my 430EXii, but I use the "Flash interval" setting to add a delay between frames to ensure that it can recover.
Thanks for the correction is a super useful site. I refer to it a lot. I think they take the "underpromise and overdeliver" attitude with their compatibility charts just to be safe. For instance, their list of lenses that support full burst speed is also very conservative. I get much higher speeds from my 70-200/2.8ii and 300/2.8 IS than they would have you think. is a super useful site. I refer to it a lot. I think they take the "underpromise and overdeliver" attitude with their compatibility charts just to be safe. For instance, their list of lenses that support full burst speed is also very conservative. I get much higher speeds from my 70-200/2.8ii and 300/2.8 IS than they would have you think.
As I know, they are adding more and more lenses to the list.

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