About time we had some from this great lens - I'll try and get a few in over time, but lets see some macros, I think we (may!) be able to give the 100-500 a run for its money
About time we had some from this great lens - I'll try and get a few in over time, but lets see some macros, I think we (may!) be able to give the 100-500 a run for its money
I love shooting the moon. No specialized gear required as it's bright and big enough to do just what you've done. Even handheld with the 200-800mm on an R7 (effective 1400mm) can be done without a tripod and a fast enough shutter speed if you can work with the ISO noise.
Now stars, comets, and other night-sky stuff? That gets expensive if you want to do it right. Until then, enjoy the moon with what you have.