presume you only have one macro lens but you should check if "fault" appears with other lenses
Well, the only other macro lens is MF, so that's probably not a good "test case". BUT, it seems to me that it worked with my RF 100-400, so maybe I'll give it a whirl with that one. Good thought.
- Camera?
- Lens?
- Still or video?
What???? You want relevant info???? The nerve!
Camera: R5
Lens: RF 85 f2 macro IS
1/100 f2 ISO250
Subject Distance: ~12"
Color: Red
Breakfast: sausage and eggs
@Photofarmer said, I'm going to try another lens (or two), and I'm going to try shooting in natural light - I was farting around with macro stuff on my kitchen table and maybe some LED light weirdness is to blame. (
I did notice dark banding moving through the shots as I scrolled through the stack).
It's just weird because I know I had it working, and, to the best of my knowledge, I haven't changed anything...and it appears to be enabled.
One thing occurred to me as I was reading my manual (
my smartass crack to @Dean Wilson aside) is that I'm not sure what the " Level: High" setting refers to. I'm guessing it refers to contrast, but whether that means it
only looks for high contrast edges or the
detection level is high - something you might set when it's a LOW contrast subject.