For those that use (or would like to try) the Tony Kuyper panels for Photoshop, TK-9 v3 has just been released - details/ demo video by Dave Kelly Here.
(There is also a release window 25% discount code - off everything on the TK web site - which you can find in Dave's post).
I am a relatively new user but I really like it and feel that it is a great value. One of the best things is that there are lots of good videos for free, as well some very affordable for pay videos.
Oh...Phil, your posts and the inclusion of the info that you use TK9 is what piqued my interest which led to me purchasing it.
Compared to people who really know what they're doing with TK-9 - and Photoshop - I wander round in a complete daze and operate in a state of barely restrained chaos * but I find TK-9 to be an absolutely fascinating, truly wonderous and tremendously fun piece of software to use.
(* The same could be said about life in general... ).