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I want to get one of the RF extender units to use with my RF100-500 lens. Will mainly be used for solar and lunar photography. I doubt I would use it for much else. But with my R6 mkII, which do you think would be best? The 1.4x would give 700mm plus the 1.6 crop would effectively be up to 1,120mm. Or the 2x would give 1,000mm plus the 1.6 crop would give 1,600mm. But losing the 1 vs 2 stops of light, for solar eclipses I don’t think it would matter. For lunar photography, would the 2x...
I have been thinking about getting a Sigma 150-600 C to paired with my R6. Anyone using this combination? I’m worry about AF performance considering that the primary use will be bird photography.
Probably great for serious pro photographers with thousands of images a day https://www.chargerlab.com/first-and-fastest-review-of-zikedrive-usb4-ssd-enclosure/
Received this from Canon USA this morning. Not an issue for me, but may be for some. https://www.usa.canon.com/support/canon-product-advisories/Corrupted-images-captured-with-EOS-R5-Mark-II-and-certain-SanDisk-SD-cards Not much information at the link - it's essentially a note letting you know that certain cards can result in corrupt images, so don't use them (Doc, it hurts when I do this. - Then don't do that!).
Thread '2 seconds before Sunset'
I'm just glad this JPG file isn't any bigger. Lightroom was having a FIT on my poor OLD laptop.
I was wondering if anybody has any recommendations for good online tutorials that would help me learn more about video. Of course, I’m interested in learning more about the video features of my R5, but also just understanding the different codexes and settings et cetera. So does anybody have any good recommendations for Tutorials to up my game in the video realm?
Thread 'What have I enabled?'
What have I turned on accidentally for life of me can’t find it. Or maybe it’s always there I always look through eye piece. It doesn’t show then. Two brackets?
Last few days I have had this really strange 'urge'. . . . HELP I have no idea where it came from, but I woke up and searched on-line and now ads for it are popping up everywhere - it's not even a motorsport set up so WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME????? can I just blame it on the flu / fever and hope the urge goes away
Thread 'Canon EOS R5 Mark II and AF Options'
Hi—I am trying to understand the odyssey that involves the new Canon EOS R5 II’s autofocus functions. Is it possible for anyone to “translate” this entry (especially the highlighted text). What is meant by “any other setting box other than [AF area] whole area tracking off [key icon]”? and I do not see how you choose this.
with my R5 using firmware 2.1.0 When I put the camera in Focus bracketing mode it disables high speed drive mode and defaults to single shot or self timer. However, it still shoots the entire sequence. Which is contrary to what I have been reading. Is this a bug or is it operating properly? what I have read says if you don't set your drive mode to continuous high speed that it will require you to push the shutter for every shot of the focus stack. Maybe that is for Firmware 1.8.1, and fixed...
Happy New Year everyone 🥳 I sincerely hope that 2025 is filled with good health, happiness and lots of photos tied to great memories. Have you made any photographic goals for this year or planned any photo holidays? My life is so busy right now with family and work that my only desire is to try and take a little more time for myself with my camera, preferably snapping some beautiful wildlife. Let’s see how that goes!
Thread 'RF 100-300 f/2.8 with 2x TC'
Testing the RF 2X TC on the RF 100-300 f/2.8 I am amazed. appears to be no noticeable IQ degradation. So this lens with TCs is 100-300 f/2.8, 140-420 f/4, and 200-600 f/5.6.
When i bought my R6M2 it was the bundle with the RF 24-105 F4-7.1 lens. I'm happy with the lens and have taken some great photo's with it. But I've seen photo's that are taken with 24-105 F4L and i think they look amazing. Now i am thinking about trading in my F4-7.1 and getting the F4L What do you guys advice i should do?
Thread 'My new lens is on the way, need a bigger camera bag!'
Shipped from B&H Friday. Now I'll need to find a bigger camera bag!
Daughter said you need anything from camera store. Oh not really although ask the guys they know me see if you can find something sub $100 if ya want. Err unwrapped present a $400 backpack on special down to $300 32 litre. Sort of a "travel" one Tenba. So ive got a super tough shimoda that I bought second hand 30lt and now this one but I actually filled it. 3 camera bodies, 4 lenses with hoods , 3 lightning triggers, one flash, one fog strap, one 1.4 converter , two wallets of...
Hope you all had a great Christmas and are looking forward to a 'snappy' new year. Have spent the last week in bed with flu / cold, just starting to feel a little more human today and. . . . the wife now has it so that's our break done. Almost guarantee the day we go back to work all will be well - sods law huh. . . . tell you what, if I ever meet this guy 'sod' he is in for such a kicking. Ahh well, hopefully next Christmas will be better ;-)
Apologies, I've tried asking this before, but haven't got a clear answer yet, so I'll try asking again... Part 1 Is it true or not that Evaluative Metering considers the whole scene but with a bias on focusing point? I am asking because this is not documented on Canon manuals but many photographers say so. This is also supported by Canon manual (thanks Canon for making things ambiguous) in the AE Lock description: in Evaluative Metering the AE Lock considers the point in focus. Part 2 If...
I have C3 set as my “macro” setting and I SWORE I had Focus Peaking turned on, and I swore I’ve seen it in action…and I checked it and it appears to be on, yet when I switch to manual focus, I don’t see it. I do see the magic box and the focus pointy things, but no Peaking. Enlighten me, oh wise ones.
Thread 'Any use this focus option'
I don’t yet and haven’t really explored it.
Does anyone have experience and/or recommendations for a battery grip with the Canon R8?