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Thread 'What caused this jagged effect in wing movement?'
Trying to figure out what happened here with the hummingbird's wings. This was shot with my R6 MKII and a Tamron 150-600mm at about 500mm. At first I wondered about shutter roll but it's not what that looks like.
Thread 'Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays'
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays folks. I wish you all a cracking time this holiday season. A huge thank you to everyone who continues to contribute to this forum, no matter whether that's just the odd like now and again or regular posts. Every interaction is appreciated. I don't have a recent snowy bird photo to share but here's one I made earlier :)
Thread 'LED light weirdness'
I have an indoor herb garden and I just noticed that my rosemary had bloomed. I decided to play with macro and see what kind of banding or other issues the LED grow lights caused. The light looks "normal' to my eyes, but just for excrement and hilarity I wanted to see what the camera saw. First thing I noticed was that all the LCD menu items on my R5 were GREEN. Took a 10 shot stack and composted it, This is what I got: Not anything I'll be in a hurry to do again, but kind of cool in a...
I was kinda focused on the ACR Adaptive Preset and was not even aware of these for LrC. Starts at 9:05 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmXnFUSLt_U
Bonsoir a tous, Avec mon nouveau RF R6 Mark II je commence a utilisé mon objectif canon EF 24-70MM F/2.8 L USM avec la bague d’adaptation monture EF-EOS R mais je trouve que c’est très lourd et j’hésite a le mettre sur un trépied. Ma question est la suivante existe-t-il une bague que je pourrais adapter sur l’objectif pour soulager l’appareil ? Merci pour vos réponses. Bien cordialement
Long time LR and PS user, but photography phocused (hehe). My issue is just lately, the flag and reject flags are no longer visible AND more importantly, the right click on the image and select EDIT IN PHOTOSHOP is no longer active....why? It's greyed out and I've no idea why. My workaround at this point is to edit as far as possible in LR, export as JPG, then re-ingest to PS to final edit before re-saving.....which is ludicrous. It's literally NEVER done this before.
Hey guys, probably been asked a thousand times already - I have been using lightroom for years but only in the most basic of ways, I shoot all my trackside stuff in jpeg and have a couple of presents to basically batch process a couple of thousand at a time before doing a quick crop or cull. I begrudgingly went over to the subscription PS / LR when I had the R3 but knowing that they are about to screw us over even more shortly with price hikes etc. PLEASE if any of you use DPP exclusively...
I'm a bit compulsive about acquiring new camera gear, especially lenses. It goes back to when I had my studio and needed a large assortment of gear for working projects. I had several camera systems from 35mm to 8 x 10, each having a different set of lenses for each format. Now I only have my R and M series Canon cameras. And there are a couple of lenses I want to own but in order to keep my post retirement hobby cost neutral I feel I need to sell before I buy. My go to RF mount lenses...
Thread 'I’ve got six megapickles and I’m not afraid to use them!'
Found an old PowerShot SD 630 at work and have been playing with it. First impression: “Holy hell, this thing is slow!” I tried to take a picture of my dog and pressed the shutter. By the time it fired, she’d walked out of frame! :p Then the camera has to chew on the image for a solid minute or two, before it’s ready to take another shot. “Point and shoot? More like point and wait!”. Frame rate is probably in the range of .002 FPS. I have been surprised by how sharp the images are (for...
Thread 'Meme that made me laugh'
This popped up on my farcebook timeline and made me laugh again - just SO true
Bonjour à tous, Tout d'abord, je tiens à vous remercier de m'avoir accueilli sur ce forum. Avec un peu d'avance, j'ai reçu en cadeau de Noël un EOS R6 Mark II sans carte SD. Je suis un peu perdu avec toutes ces cartes et je ne sais pas quoi prendre et mon utilisation sera principalement pour la photographie. Quelle carte et quelle marque recommanderiez-vous ? Merci
Thread 'Two questions I used to know the answers to :)'
Hi folks, Brain fog tonight. What does THIS do? AND, I swear I recall there was a faster way to change shooting modes rather than the Mode button which i find inconvenient and withoiut mapping MfN to change those modes. Am I imagining that one? Thanks.
To accompany an R100 with 18-45 lens for a new camera user doing A level photography what lens would people choose on a budget .... RF 50 f1.8 or RF-S 55-210 ? My initial thought was the 50 as it will give shallow dof and work better in low light where the kit lens won't ... but then wondered re the 55-210 to compliment the smaller zoom as that is offered as a second lens with the R50 but not the R100. The user though having done GCSE has no idea of shutter speeds / aperture or ISO as...
If I need printing of any sort go to a printing shop. But occasionally you see change of model run out prices on professional printers 40% off etc. Guess if you owned one you may use ut
Posting this just in case others get this same behavior. I was attempting to update my R5II to firmware 1.02. I copied the firmware to the CF Express card and had the SD card in the camera. The camera kept reporting that the firmware file on the card was older than the installed firmware (1.01). Spoke to Canon CPS who provided the solution of removing the SD card while updating the firmware. The rep said always remove the card not being used when updating the firmware. I've never had to...
Do you have any thoughts on Canon's new announcement? For $120, they will upgrade the R7, R10 and R50 so it can overlay four different cropping guides in the viewfinder. Separately, I'm planning to sell my R7 (possibly for the R8) and I wonder if it would fetch a premium if I sent it in for the upgrade. https://www.usa.canon.com/buying-guides/cropping-guide
Thread 'Been having issues lately'
Focusing when chasing bolts been off lately So realized my focus ring option was wrong see what happens nex,t outing. First pic crap second focus acceptable so I am going to try option two rotation degree
Thread 'Help understanding auto focus'
Hello Group, finally had some time to play with the R8 using a 100-400 canon lens. Having troubles understanding the auto focus area in automatic mode, I have taken 2 pictures both at the same objects, the one on the left is manually focused onto the large tree center frame, the second picture is fully auto focus and it will not pickup the same tree, only the branches in front of the tree. Is there a way to manually set the auto focus to center frame permanently or is the only way to achieve...