Motorsport - My Main Genre

David Stallard

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Oct 16, 2023
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David Stallard
Essex, UK
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Hey gang - few from my last meeting this season, all with R3 RF100-300 + 1.4 ex monopod IS off (if your interested ;-) )

Feel free to comment as you wish - I have broad shoulders, I can take it (sobs quietly into coffee)

C 14-10-23 0085.jpg C 14-10-23 0098.jpg C 14-10-23 0104.jpg C 14-10-23 0157.jpg C 14-10-23 0179.jpg C 14-10-23 0226.jpg C 14-10-23 0449.jpg C 14-10-23 0638.jpg C 14-10-23 1148.jpg C 14-10-23 1165-2.jpg C 14-10-23 1318.jpg C 14-10-23 1345.jpg C 14-10-23 1495.jpg C 14-10-23 1515.jpg C 14-10-23 1578.jpg
Thank you kindly ;-)
A couple in particular I love are the white Lotus (?) #67 in the sunlight, and the black #71 car with the flames coming from the exhaust - the heat haze in that one really puts it over the top.
Nicely captured David. It looks like a fun race to shoot at!
Very nice set of pics. Question, with the 1.5 Ext attached to your 100-300, how much loss in auto focus speed would you guess you are experiencing?

Very nice set of pics. Question, with the 1.5 Ext attached to your 100-300, how much loss in auto focus speed would you guess you are experiencing?

Hi Mark,
Honestly - hand on heart - I noticed NO loss in focus speed or image quality at all and I tested it in every way I could. I have also used the 2x and 'if' there is any loss in the 'real world usage' then it is so marginal it's not worth worrying about.

I am more than happy with the set up - thankfully ;-)

Even coming straight at me where the focus would usually hunt it locked on and surprised me time after time - this is with 2x
  • Canon EOS R3
  • RF100-300mm F2.8 L IS USM + EXTENDER RF2x
  • 600.0 mm
  • ƒ/10
  • 1/160 sec
  • ISO 100
Very nice work, I'm debating on selling a to purchase this lens, or go in the 100-500 direction. You own one and apparently sold the other, putting cost aside for the moment, any regrets about that decision? How often to do you fine yourself grabbing one of the TC's and putting it on your 100-300? I love motorsports and would like to get into wildlife, currently leaning towards purchasing the 100-500 and keeping my adapted EF300 f2.8 along with the rf70-200. (current cameras are the R5 and R3)
Hey Mark,
I loved and I mean really loved the 100-500, it did everything I wanted and more - so why did I trade it in? number of reasons for me, I dislike external zooms, yes they say they are weather sealed etc but how long before that seal gives - bearing in mind over a race weekend I will take 4k shots plus - times that by around 20 weekends and. . . . .
Also it handles low light exceptionally well even with the extenders - put it this way, it needs to cope with 8>10 hour days like this on occasion:
S 16-08-20 0901.jpg
S 16-08-20 0902.jpg

'IF' Canon had brought out the 100-500 mk2 with internal zoom I would have grabbed it in a heartbeat. As for changing / adding extenders - what I tend to do is scope out the circuit beforehand and decided which one I will use - put it on and stick with it, I'm not a fan of changing lenses / ext in the field so to speak. As for wildlife - again depends on where I am going, Zoo's wildlife parks either 'naked' or the 1.4 out in the wild usually the 2x.

Sample galleries if you get bored and want to check them out.

All of the 22 season with 100-500: HERE

Big Cat Sanctuary: HERE

Personally - if your not going to be out in biblical conditions much then the 100-500 is the kiddy for you, you will NOT be disappointed - but if you can get the readies together then go for the 100-300 with extenders, it is way better than I will ever be, I don't regret missing the holiday next year or selling all my EF lenses to get it. (not much help at all there huh - sorry)

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