Karen had just got her R7 and this was her first outing with it (random camera settings may have applied) - and it was my first attempt at post-processing the R7 raw files (random button pressing may have applied), so we were both still getting to grips with our respective side of things. As far as I can recall, the colour renderings for both were applied in DxO PhotoLab Elite (though I may have been playing around with the many options, seeing which produced the best outcome).
Colour management in DxO PL is a bit of a dark art

The DxO forum has a thread where users attempt to create a flow chart to see what DxO is doing, it isn't documented!
What I do when needing DxO is selecting “Export to DNG with NR and optical corrections only”, importing the resulting DNGs into Lightroom and then applying the colour profile. If you do use the built-in profile for the R7 in DxO, it's a lot better than the Adobe one.
Looking at the untouched raw files again (in Lr C), they look pretty similar, though I'd agree the R7 maybe has a touch less warmth/ pop colour saturation-wise - not sure why, they were taken within moments of each other, though with subtly different settings. Now I've grown a little more accustomed to processing the R7 files (my DxO custom Preset is kind-of getting there), I may have another go at these when time permits and compare the outcomes to my original edits.
I personally hadn't noticed how bad LR rendered M6II/R7 colours till I took a close up portrait of my daughter, who was wearing a fuchsia coloured coat.
I can only describe the skin tone as 'zombie grey' and the fuchsia was very washed out...
[...] In terms of colour/ colour profiles, I've never tried the colorfidelity ones, though I know they have a very good reputation and were the 'go to' solution for many pre-Adobe Camera Matching Profiles. When this condition existed I used custom profiles which I created for each of our cameras (and sometimes specific shoots) with the X-Rite ColorChecker Passport Photo 2 system. [...]
... so I did the same thing as you, created a profile with the Passport. That was a
massive improvement, but the skin tone was still a bit off. The colorfidelity profiles did give me proper skin tone, at the cost of slightly less accurate, but more pleasing colours.
So any pictures with people in them get the colorfidelity profile applied for sure, pictures without people receive a little more creative freedom
I also discovered that my Sigma 150mm macro lens has a slight yellow colour cast compared to the Canon lenses, which I don't mind, since I prefer a slightly warmer picture most of the time.