I saw there was an Update, but I haven't seen it yet. I have the original Bookmarked as it seems every couple days someone is asking "How do I..." or "Why is this...".
My previous R5 and my current R6II and R7 have the newer case numbers where Canon removed Cases 5 and 6 and added Auto. I used to wonder about Auto. I could see the algorithms adjusting to speed changes so Accel/Decel would be covered.
Unless your brain is plugged into the camera how could AI/Algorithms possibly know if you want TS to be in a negative setting to hang onto to your subject or in a positive setting to let it go? I figured since most people want to hang onto the original subject it was weighted towards a negative value.
I see the R5II and R1 added that to the Case Auto option and also got rid of Switching Tracked Subjects menu. I hope my next camera/s come with those changes.
I read Canon let Rudy go but just read they hired him back as a consultant. He had so many excellent links to videos, articles and blogs that Canon pulled. I always hoped I'd get a seat beside him on a plane
I read Canon let Rudy go but just read they hired him back as a consultant. He had so many excellent links to videos, articles and blogs that Canon pulled. I always hoped I'd get a seat beside him on a plane
Lots of experience and double dipping. Less stress to consult at that time of your life life. The best video he had was about the Case numbers was for the 7D2. It was applicable for all cameras that had that feature. I read he is still doing new YouTube videos.
I did some technical training and H&S. A peer and friend I worked with did Total Quality. One of the plants asked us to help out bit so we did. It wasn't very much. Just a little cash on the side. We gave our new pretend consulting company a name. Read carefully Sitmore and Dolittle.
I would have loved to see this type of video broken down per topic or episodes so you can select what to view. Having a video that long deter people (like me).
Many thanks for this video link. I've got about half way through and found a lot of clarification on the focus system. Such an advantage to have
a presentation by someone who really knows his subject and can clearly explain things so we can all understand.
I would have loved to see this type of video broken down per topic or episodes so you can select what to view. Having a video that long deter people (like me).
Like I said Canon sure simplified the Case Menus and got rid of Switching Tracked Subjects. When I get a new camera that has those features I'll use Case Auto, set to Locked On and never think about it again. One less thing to worry about.
I decided to watch some of the video this morning. Only the part that I'm interested in is the Case menu which I put a lot of time into learning about it over the years.
Is it just me or did Rudy get this part backwards? Minute 1:17:35. Accel/Decel. That's not what the R5II says on the PDF version on page 556. I've never seen any manual say what Rudy is saying.