I had a tintype photo taken recently, and this is giving me such similar vibes it's kind of incredible! Did you shoot monochrome or remove colour in the edit?
I had a tintype photo taken recently, and this is giving me such similar vibes it's kind of incredible! Did you shoot monochrome or remove colour in the edit?
These were re-edits of standard images (my original edit of the first image is shown below so you can compare the before/ after). Both were shot raw and initially processed in Lightroom Classic. When I did the re-edit I took them into DxO Nik Collection, where - if memory serves me - I applied Infrared Film and Vignette Blur filters. I quite liked the effect, so stuck there (I think!), but I also added a digital frame using Topaz Studio 2 and our logo/ watermark thingy using Photoshop.