Criticism - Good Bad or say nothing.


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Apr 11, 2021
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Greg Sinclair
Lots of fab pictures on this forum. Some not so fab pictures and a few :(.

Not many pictures are getting any feedback, they get a (y)and few get a short well done remark.

As a group should we be be more proactive with our point of view? Some here, not me, are professionals in their field. If I put a picture on the forum i would be eager for criticism, good and bad. How are we amateurs supposed to improve if we are continuously wallowing in our own glory.

Traditionally as a nation the British are very reserved (the rest of the world?), far safer to say nothing compared to having your head blown off for saying something out of turn.

Should we all be braver and take the risk by expressing our point of view?
I always appreciate feedback myself on my pictures. I'm self critical of most of my work anyway. Although I would say I'm don't feel I'm in a position to review others work. I do try to say something if I really like a photo.
I stick to a general rule of thumb on photography forums, that is to say nothing other than a like or post a comment along the lines of
“great shot” if the image floats your boat, unless the OP asks for constructive criticism when posting up the image.
I stick to a general rule of thumb on photography forums, that is to say nothing other than a like or post a comment along the lines of
“great shot” if the image floats your boat, unless the OP asks for constructive criticism when posting up the image.
That's the stiff upper lip British way :)
I suggested to Forum admin we should create an area for photos to be critiqued and that way nobody is offended you need to just accept people’s comment good or bad😂😂😂😂😩😩😩😩😩😂😂😂😂
I took the plunge the other day and criticised someone's work, I was partly flamed.

It is not easy to criticise without being shot down. its difficult to say exactly what you mean and not leave room for the wrong interpretation to slip in
That's the stiff upper lip British way :)

Call it what you want. Not everyone posts an image expecting critism. I post images up because I like them and I think they are worthy of sharing, though I do not expect everyone to like them as we all have different tastes, if I get some affirmation it’s a bonus. Conversely I do not expect responses telling me they are crap. If we all responded in that manner I don’t think the posters would be too popular and the forum wouldn’t last very long.

The critiques corner is a sensible way forward where constructive critism can be sought rather than imposed.
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I have been considering this issue since the first post by Greg, who broached this issue and Jim Glasgow beat me to the suggestion and I'm very glad others are thinking along these lines. The beauty of a "voluntary submittal area" would be that those posting for comments (critique) would be doing so in hopes of receiving "civil commentary" about the images. Obviously, there would need to be some form of moderation but it should be clearly understood that if you post here, you are requesting a critique and need to be thick-skinned enough to take advantage of the suggestions.

Even though I shoot photos for the aviation company I work for, I consider myself a perpetual novice. This allows me to be open to suggestions for improvement. This openness is also something I read in some of the newbie photographer posts. THey desire "civil critique" to help them learn and improve. The key is to offer critiques that are helpful and not gruff in nature. In this regard, how these critiques are delivered is something all those critiquing need to keep in mind.

One thing posters to this venue would have to keep in mind is that people have different styles in offering advice and to take it all in stride. Understand that some of the advice will be erroneous (unintentionally) and as with all social media, you will have to evaluate the veracity of the information provided.

In any case, a great possibility for learning and growth. ;)
"Thick skinned". "Civil critique". Opposite sides of the coin? Looks like we are on the path to writing rules the artists and the evaluator could abide by.
It should be relatively safe to give technical criticism.

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