Need an assist (getting shared album images off iphone)

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Sep 7, 2023
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Loudoun, Virginia
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Grrrrr, Apple.

Had a mini-vacay to Quebec City over the weekend and it was fantastic. Got lots of good stuff to share, but I'm still working through things. Shot R6II digital (with 24-70 and 85mm), 35mm film and lots of cell shots.

Phone is a iPhone 15. I created a shared album and my lady and I both contributed photos every evening. Now that I'm home, I'm trying to get them downloaded and just want to ram my head against the wall. Why is this so difficult?

First, the shared album is working perfect on both phones, but I can't seem to figure out how to download the entire RAW album. I struggled like heck to get the files downloaded, but finally figured it out. Images are all JPEG! Grrrrrr. The shared album isn't in iCloud either.

I know this isn't quite RF stuff, but hopefully there's someone smarter than I, and I promise to share a wonderful album if I ever get them off the damn phone.

Thanks in advance.
I don't have an iPhone but an Android. Plug it in to the computer with a USB cable, look for a prompt on the phone saying it is connected and click to see if there are options for file transfer, and you're good (after a half-hour of fooling around).

So since you were off-topic, I hope you don't mind if I'm off your off-topic.
Maybe they're not in iCloud Photos, but they're in iCloud. That's how the sharing part works. Not sure that's relevant, though. FWIW I make lots of iCloud shared albums for sports.

I think you're seeing the normal result of what you did. A shared album is all about image display and sharing, not file storage, so I wouldn't expect to find RAWs there. In fact, once you upload to the shared album it is entirely separate from the file on your local device. You can delete from Photos and it will still be in the SA.

What exactly did you do with your files? Obviously you started with RAWs in your camera; what next? Did you import them to the phone and then share them to the album? If so, you should be able to export the originals from the phone. Go into the album, Select, Select all, share, Export Unmodified Originals or Save to Files. However, I'm not sure if "Original" is RAW or not, in this context. Photos can process RAWs, and I'm pretty sure Photos on MacOS can maintain RAWs, but I don't know what a phone does.

I hope you can get the RAWs back, but what you describe doing doesn't sound like a RAW archival process. If you deleted from your memory card, then I think the best you will do is get the "original" from the phone, not from the SA.
Also a “new” iPhone 15 owner here and, if I understand a little, when sharing the images they are automatically converted to jpg. If it’s the RAW files you’re looking for you need to download them to your Mac using Canon’s DPP4, Adobe LR or any other acceptable editing software. Pretty sure the iPhone doesn’t store the RAW files. I might be wrong though. Good luck!

PS Only way I could remove photos from my iPhone was to delete them after airdropping them to my Mac (jpg’s only).
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In fact, once you upload to the shared album it is entirely separate from the file on your local device. You can delete from Photos and it will still be in the SA.
Interesting. I had mistakenly assumed it operated differently.

What exactly did you do with your files? Obviously you started with RAWs in your camera; what next? Did you import them to the phone and then share them to the album?
Maybe I wasn't clear. R6II was shot and processed like normal (import to Lightroom, process RAWs, export to site). Cell shots were collated in the shared album on the phones. There was no "cross contamination" between Canon camera and cell phone. My issue is that I can't download the album which are my photo contributions AND her photo contributions. I mean, I can login to iCloud, download mine, then login as her, and download hers......but that's clunky. Maybe I'm just used to Google where it's easy to download an album. Apple is great, until you want to do something they haven't pre-selected for you.

Also a “new” iPhone 15 owner here and, if I understand a little, when sharing the images they are automatically converted to jpg. If it’s the RAW files you’re looking for you need to download them to your Mac using Canon’s DPP4, Adobe LR or any other acceptable editing software. Pretty sure the iPhone doesn’t store the RAW files.
No Mac here...just an iPhone and iPad for browsing/email.

Go into the album, Select, Select all, share, Export Unmodified Originals or Save to Files.
So this kinda worked. I went to iCloud, Photos, selected all MY shots from the trip, 3 dots on the top right, More Download Options, and select Unmodified Originals. A zip downloads and has JPG, MOV (live view I'm assuming) AND DNG! Out of 92 shots, 25 were DNG. Obviously I need to play with my settings and get it to shoot RAW all the time.

Thanks for the help.
Maybe I should clarify a comment about the SA being decoupled from Photos. If you have a photo in an album (even if it's just library, recents, camera roll, whatever your iPhone photos end up in) you can copy it into a SA. The copy in the SA is now independent. If you delete from the SA on your device then it disappears from the SA, as you should expect, but if you delete the source photo from whatever album it live in, then it doesn't disappear from the SA. Edits to the source photo are likewise not reflected in the SA.
Good to know. Thanks

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