Criticism - Good Bad or say nothing.

I'm happy to setup up a forum specifically for critiquing images when critique is requested. Like Greg mentioned there will probably need to be some ground rules. It certainly won't hurt to trial it for a while anyway to see how it goes. I'll get something sorted out tomorrow. Please feel free to suggest some ground rules :)
As stated before, whilst in principle I think its a good resource to have, though I understand the concerns voiced here. Providing constructive feedback is quite a complex process and is more than “I don’t like that” or “I dont get it” type of comments. As mentioned by Rick, an understanding of the photographers intentions and image is vital and a good starting point before jumping to conclusions. I can understand if Timothy intentionally didn’t include a critics corner, as I can see it creating a whole load of moderation issues to deal with, particularly with those who don’t understand the concept of feedback.
The above was posted prior to sighting Timothys post. Thanks Timothy. Happy to start the ball rolling.. feel free to critique lol

Before giving feedback, make sure you fully understand the image, process or issue.

Staying in enquiry mode can help, don’t jump to conclusions.

Ask questions such as what, how, when and why. Tell, explain and describe are also useful approaches.

Questions also help the OP understand the issue for themselves.

Only when you feel you understand the issue then provide some constructive feedback.

A feedback sandwich is a helpful approach, something positive, corrective feedback and finishing on a positive.

Other helpful approaches in a feedback sandwich is to include aspects you’d like more of, less of or stop.

Keep feedback specific, measurable and realistic.

Avoid projecting own emotions in feedback.

Be mindful how the feedback comes across, for it to be helpful, the OP needs to connect to and value the provider.

Dont get upset if your feedback wasn’t deemed useful, what works for one may not work for another at that point in time.
I have mixed feelings on unsolicited critiques someone’s work. Maybe there should be a button or symbol the photographer can use to show if critiques are welcome. That way people who want or are open to more detailed feedback on their work can receive it. This should be on a per photo basis. Sometimes critiques can be helpful.
I'm happy to setup up a forum specifically for critiquing images when critique is requested. Like Greg mentioned there will probably need to be some ground rules. It certainly won't hurt to trial it for a while anyway to see how it goes. I'll get something sorted out tomorrow. Please feel free to suggest some ground rules :)
Thanks, Timothy. I would suggest that the poster provide a short synopsis of the process used to create the image and what issues they think might be improved. That sets the stage for people to get background and an understanding of both the intent and the technical aspects of the generated image.

In this way, those wishing to critique can understand the submitter's intent and perceived issues. A good point of reference to start with. If the photo submitted does not have an accompanying synopsis, then we will assume the submitter is willing to accept all critiques, given civilly, without offense. Or we can request that the submitter add the necessary information before critiques are offered. JMHO
I have mixed feelings on unsolicited critiques someone’s work. Maybe there should be a button or symbol the photographer can use to show if critiques are welcome. That way people who want or are open to more detailed feedback on their work can receive it. This should be on a per photo basis. Sometimes critiques can be helpful.
I think the intent is to make the request for comments "voluntary". This might be more easily accomplished either with some icon as you suggest or a different area to post to. I reality, there is no method on RF Shooters currently to prevent unsolicited critique of anyone's work. This is why moderators are necessary. I might be wrong on this but to date, I see an open comments pane for any of the posts. I any case, as this site grows, moderation will eventually become necessary because not all people will follow the rules or voluntary etiquette. much like the one I'm using now. ;)
I understand your concern. However, as this is a voluntary submittal for critique, those seeking this type of input would only be submitting photos they desire input on for the purposes of learning and growing. The key is "voluntary". There is the rest of this site that can serve quite well for the purposes of any other photo posting. As you say "we all work at different levels whether its pro or for enjoyment " and this forum would allow those truly interested photographers an opportunity to grow and gain knowledge to attain different skill levels.
I agree with you have an area where you can have your photo critiqued I am all for it .
I have mixed feelings on unsolicited critiques someone’s work. Maybe there should be a button or symbol the photographer can use to show if critiques are welcome. That way people who want or are open to more detailed feedback on their work can receive it. This should be on a per photo basis. Sometimes critiques can be helpful.
I'll setup a dedicated forum for members who are looking for critique for now. I'll also consider some sort of option to show that critique is welcome for images posted in other forums, but I expect this will just get overlooked.
I've setup the Critique Lounge Forum that can be found towards the top of the forum list. I'm still working on a guide for members asking for critique and those replying, so posting is disabled for now. Please feel free to make suggestions in this thread, they will most likely evolve over time so don't need to be perfect for now.
The above was posted prior to sighting Timothys post. Thanks Timothy. Happy to start the ball rolling.. feel free to critique lol

Before giving feedback, make sure you fully understand the image, process or issue.

Staying in enquiry mode can help, don’t jump to conclusions.

Ask questions such as what, how, when and why. Tell, explain and describe are also useful approaches.

Questions also help the OP understand the issue for themselves.

Only when you feel you understand the issue then provide some constructive feedback.

A feedback sandwich is a helpful approach, something positive, corrective feedback and finishing on a positive.

Other helpful approaches in a feedback sandwich is to include aspects you’d like more of, less of or stop.

Keep feedback specific, measurable and realistic.

Avoid projecting own emotions in feedback.

Be mindful how the feedback comes across, for it to be helpful, the OP needs to connect to and value the provider.

Dont get upset if your feedback wasn’t deemed useful, what works for one may not work for another at that point in time.
Cheers Mike. Some good ground rules there! I think all I need to do is copy/paste :)

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