One thing I like about RF Shooters


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Jun 23, 2022
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Peter Blacket
CC Welcome
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Beginners welcome.

lntelligent questions welcomed what ever your skill set.

And the old “is 20 mp enough on r6” question doesnt get asked everyday.
Thanks Peter! Although it probably helps that this forum isn't too big yet! Although it is hopefully easier to search here and finding existing posts compared to Facebook Groups where you'll often see the same questions asked on a daily basis.
same breathe you guys could say to me if you don’t like it don’t read it

learning from all you pros I’m a rank beginner how you know in most scenarios I need such and such shutter speed,say f8 ,400 Iso,
you know it instinctively it amazes me.

experience I guess

ive joined a local loose camera club that’s very laid back.

no pres no secretary no membership just put money in for venue hire. Lucky to meet once a month. But have a great leader who is heavily involved with disabled people.

he’s running a course “photography for the disabled’ any payment he would receive he channels that into getting speakers city is a hour away.
He asked me to come along, one self employed farmer and said I could help out at short notice, I can take a day off when ever I want, two they might be able to come to farm and photograph animals, three wants a sort of a beginner to learn with them rather than tell them.

Probably oldest guy here 58 on this page old school iPhone is taking a picture not photography yep fossil
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