same breathe you guys could say to me if you don’t like it don’t read it
learning from all you pros I’m a rank beginner how you know in most scenarios I need such and such shutter speed,say f8 ,400 Iso,
you know it instinctively it amazes me.
experience I guess
ive joined a local loose camera club that’s very laid back.
no pres no secretary no membership just put money in for venue hire. Lucky to meet once a month. But have a great leader who is heavily involved with disabled people.
he’s running a course “photography for the disabled’ any payment he would receive he channels that into getting speakers city is a hour away.
He asked me to come along, one self employed farmer and said I could help out at short notice, I can take a day off when ever I want, two they might be able to come to farm and photograph animals, three wants a sort of a beginner to learn with them rather than tell them.
Probably oldest guy here 58 on this page old school iPhone is taking a picture not photography yep fossil