Images from our vaguely recent-ish (we're still trying to catch up with reality...

) visits to Dunure and Cruggleton Castles, Scotland.
(Shot raw and processed using: DxO PL Elite and Adobe LrC/ PS with Tony Kuyper Panels. Compilations feature: R7 - Karen and R5 - Phil).
Phil and Karen
1. Dunure Castle stands on a rocky promontory on the Carrick Coast overlooking the small harbour of Dunure. The site itself dates to the late 13th-century, but the remains of the castle are of 15th- and 16th-century origin.
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2. Dunure Castle is the point of origin of the Kennedys of Carrick - more famously associated with Culzean Castle (and not to be confused with the American Kennedy family).
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3. In August 1563, Mary Queen of Scots visited Dunure castle for 3 days during her third progress round the west of the country. By the mid-17th century the castle was described as ‘wholly ruined’. More recently it featured in the TV series ‘Outlander’.
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4. The ruins of Cruggleton Castle sit on a shale promontory 130 feet above sea level at Cruggleton Point, in the historical country of Wigtownshire. (Wigtown itself being officially designated as ‘Scotland’s National Book Town’ in 1998).
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5. The site has had several periods of use, dating from the 1st century AD to the 17th-century. It is believed the first stone tower was built here in the 13th-century, but by 1684 it was abandoned and described as ‘wholly demolished and ruinous’.
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6. Little remains of the original structure(s), with the dramatic 9.8 foot high stone arch thought to be a partial (if not particularly recent) reconstruction.
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(Sources: Scottish Castles Association, Wikipedia).