The first in what may (or may not!) be a series of sample editing workflows. This shot was captured by Karen at Quarry Bank, Styal, Cheshire, England.
I do all of our post processing and in this case I used: Adobe LrC/ PS with Tony Kuyper Panels, DxO Nik Collection and Topaz Labs Photo AI/ Studio 2.
(This is not to say I'm God's gift to processing, but if you're at all interested in what I do - here you go...

1. In the beginning - as shot (unedited raw - converted to jpg). A terrific spot/ capture by Karen - my thought was to turn it into a high key, dreamy B&W image.
View attachment 33626
2. LrC - Initial basic edit (tone, presence) with a 5:4 crop applied.
View attachment 33627
3. PS - Healing of minor blemishes on the flower petals. Topaz Photo AI - Minor overall DeNoise/ slight Sharpening of flower centre.
View attachment 33628
4. PS - Nik Collection Silver Efex - Preset 043 ‘More Silver’ applied. Tony Kuyper Panels - Contrast brushed onto select areas of petals, minor vignette and a hint of subject spotlight applied.
View attachment 33638
5. PS - Nik Collection Color Efex - Custom treatment applied (Filters used: Tonal Contrast, Infrared Film, Darken/ Lighten Centre, Vignette Blur, Glamour Glow).
View attachment 33639
6. PS - Image ‘mounted’ into custom digital frame (created using Topaz Labs Studio 2). Watermark added using custom brush.
View attachment 33640