It's that time of year here again, so a few more images from recent mud and ice infused strolls around the woods in Hartshill, Warwickshire, England.
(Shot raw and processed using: DxO PL Elite, Adobe LrC/ PS with Tony Kuyper Panels and Topaz Labs Photo AI).
LrC (Import raw/ weeding/ selection) -> raw via plug-in -> DxO PLE (Custom Preset for basic processing - inc. Camera Rendering, Lens Profile, NR) -> DNG -> LrC (minor tweaks/ Crop) -> TIFF -> PS -> TIFF via plug-in -> TPA (minor NR to background, minor Sharpening to subject) -> TIFF -> PS (TK9 Panels - Vignette/ minor subject Spotlight, subtle selective Paint Contrast using 15% opacity Brush. Resized to forum format) -> TIFF -> LrC (Keywording/ Export etc)].
Phil and Karen
1. Hello bright eyes...
View attachment 34019
2. Nuthatch (with nut substitute)...
View attachment 34020
3. It's the Sun!
View attachment 34021
4. That's going to be a big nut to crack...
View attachment 34022
5. Hoping to succeed...
View attachment 34023
6. Hold it right there...
View attachment 34024