Your R System Images - January 2025

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Thinking about this photo transported 40 years into the past, diving into Boston Harbor was terrifying for a very different reason! Sewage used to pollute the harbor when I was a child, particularly after storms, and it took years of work (and court orders) to create an effective sewer system. Now the harbor is clean enough to dive into, and marine mammals have returned
Oh I remember those days. I remember as a college student in Waltham in the 80’s going canoeing with friends on the Charles and the the canoe tipped over and we all got thoroughly dunked. We all wondered what deadly diseases we were going to come down with (and still do wonder!). The lyrics of the song were so true “Well, I Love that dirty water…Boston your my home”. The Shandells iirc? It’s really amazing the turn around.
Zebra and Sunset Subtract multiple layers-Edit1080.jpeg
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African Tree and Flamingos Difference-Edit1080.jpeg
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So probably not to most people’s taste but this weeks multiple exposure class had us working with the bottom 8 blend modes in photoshop. We could do as few as two or as many layers as we want. Here are two of my favorites both had 4 layers. The top 3 used either difference, subtract or exclusion in various combinations.
Awesome set Phil. Nice B&W tones.
Hi Only RF,

Cheers - much appreciated! :)

(I definitely had a B&W slant in mind when I took those shots).

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Great images, Phil and Karen! That first one in the woods is just spectacular. The other black and white is so moody and ethereal. I love the birds, especially that first one of the robin (? I think, it's so different than ours). Hope you are out having a good time!
Hi Hali,

Cheers - much appreciated! :)

It was 'one of those mornings' - the first such for a couple of years - when you know you've just got to get out there and start blazing away.

The European Robin's colour scheme is a stark contrast to its American cousins. (But both are absolute cuties!).

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Two more from the Cliff Diving Championships in Boston. The fog started to roll in mid-morning, giving it an eerie feel. I can't imagine what the divers thought having to dive through it

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Hi Hali,

Terror in the mist! Scary stuff indeed - but beautifully captured and presented.

As an aside, my eldest son (who lives on Guernsey) and his fiancé (who lives in Boston, US) have recently become engaged. (An international love story... :) ).

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Hi Mike,

A fascinating set of shots with a pleasing filmic treatment - a wealth of interest here, with the processing drawing the viewer in for a closer look.

(We have - very tentative - plans to visit this part of Scotland later this year and we'll certainly add this venue to the list of potential stop-offs).

Thank you for sharing... 🙂

Welcome to our puddle?

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Far Eastern Curlew : Numenius madagascariensis
Conservation Status : Endangered (very few migrants this southern summer)
Tidal Flats : Moreton Bay, Queensland

Hi David,

Looks like the perfect wading service area stop-off - absolutely glorious lighting conditions, all beautifully captured. (Love the choice of crop too!).

Thank you for sharing... 🙂

Ever have one of those days? Lions at National Zoo in Washington DC
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Hi Art,

I think you've nailed this month's prospective 'caption competition', though we hesitate to suggest our entry...


Well seen and captured - and thank you for sharing... 🙂

Big Cat on the prowl in snow at the National Zoo in Washington DC

View attachment 34232
Hi Art,

Absolutely fantastic. The perfect combination of setting, subject and photographic control.

Well done indeed (yet again!) - and thank you for sharing... 🙂

Far Eastern Curlew…

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Far Eastern Curlew : Numenius madagascariensis
Wellington Point (Bribane) : Moreton Bay, Queensland

I encountered so few curlews on Friday that I decided to take a stroll across the exposed low tide causeway to King Island in southern Moreton Bay. There were not many there either: I trust this is simply 'bad luck' on my part rather than for the endangered species.

The photo was taken at about 50 minutes after sunrise.
Hi David,

A terrific capture of an absolutely beautiful creature - wonderful details and colours with the perfect touch of eye catch-light.

Well done - and thank you for sharing... 🙂

A most extraordinary bird…

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Striated Heron : Butorides striata
King Island : Moreton Bay, Queensland
20 metres to subject
7:05 am (2 hours after sunrise)

The Striated Heron is a stumpy little bird, by heron standards, with a thick mane around its neck that ought to be the envy of any leader of the pride on the African savannah.
Hi David,

An extraordinary and eye-catching shot of an extraordinary and eye-catching creature.

Once again, interest aplenty and colours to delight. (Absolutely wonderful eye detail).

Thank you for sharing... 🙂

Another wet cold day. This Collared Dove fluffed up against the rain.View attachment 34297
Hi Nick,

England in mid-winter - beauty awaits discovery.

The good news is it will soon be summer (when the rain is warmer). :D

Well done for getting out there - and thank you for sharing... :)

View attachment 34322View attachment 34323So probably not to most people’s taste but this weeks multiple exposure class had us working with the bottom 8 blend modes in photoshop. We could do as few as two or as many layers as we want. Here are two of my favorites both had 4 layers. The top 3 used either difference, subtract or exclusion in various combinations.
Hi Hali,

Vibrant and eye-catching creations (the second being my favourite - love the striking silhouettes and graduations of the trees, sky and reflections).

When using PS I have one of the dials on my Loupedeck set to cycle through Blend Modes and it's amazing what can result, but I don't recall spending any time layering different combinations - interesting (if potentially utterly bewildering!) and definitely one where you'd save any successful outcomes.

Thank you for sharing... 🙂

We're back after a pleasant Frank-Fest with two fun - if penetratingly chilly - visits to Chester Zoo (a few images to follow).

It's been a joy to discover a treasure trove of fabulous images awaiting our return - you have been busy! - wonderful stuff.

[We're still VERY busy with a whole bunch of life-stuff, so must continue to trust you'll forgive our intermittent and random appearances as thread hosts].

As Phil meanders through just under 4,000 raw files, a few stragglers from our cycle to Cartmel Priory, Cartmel, Cumbria, England (back in the mists of 2024!).

(Shot raw and processed using: DxO PL Elite/ ViewPoint and Adobe LrC/ PS with Tony Kuyper Panels. These shots are by Phil - Karen took the food/ drink!).

You can find out more about Cartmel Priory by clicking Here.


1. Almost 500 years before the foundations of Cartmel Priory were laid, in around 680 AD, the monks of Lindisfarne took ownership of the land. (Note: The priory was built in stages which involved alignment adjustments - plus, Phil's attempted 'portrait orientation stitching' met with only limited success... :rolleyes: ).

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2. This Christian era remained until 1189 when William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke, founded Cartmel Priory.

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3. The Priory was saved at the time of the Dissolution of the Monasteries in the early 1530s, owing to William Marshall being granted an altar in one of the Priory’s chapels and villagers successfully petitioned to be allowed to keep the church as it was their only place of worship.

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4. Despite this, the lead was stripped from the nave until in 1618 when George Preston, a landowner at nearby Holker Hall, provided considerable finances to reinstate the roof.

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5. In 1643, during the English Civil War (1642-51), some Roundhead troops stayed in the village, stabling their horses in the church. Bullet holes from this time are still visible in the southwest door of the nave.

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6. The nave was used after the Dissolution as a prison and later between 1624 and 1790 as a grammar school.

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(Sources: Cartmel Priory, Wikipedia).
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Absolutely adorable images! I love how the snow really compliments the panda it was a great environment to get her (him?) in!
Her, thanks!
Brothers at the National Zoo in Washington DCView attachment 34350
Hi Art,

Absolutely wonderful. This is the sort of thing you find posted on the wall at the zoo entrance.

Shatteringly mind-melting subject poses aside, a superbly controlled shot - with the B&W treatment being perfect.

Well done indeed - and thank you for sharing... 🙂

The most cosmopolitan of birds?

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Osprey : Pandion haliaetus
Southern Moreton Bay, Queensland

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Osprey Distribution
Birds of the World
Nice shot. I'm a big fan of Ospreys and I don't know why Cormorants. Unless my eyes deceive me I don't see any yellow for migration and I know they are gone from my province when it gets to -30 Celsius temps. In the summer when we go to southern Ontario (along the St Lawrence river) to visit my wife's family all I can think about is finding Ospreys. In one small town one hung around a tree near rapids about 15 feet from me while feeding. We have them but not as many.
How cold was it in Houston with the big arctic blast winter storm on Monday? It was so cold I had some strange visitors in my back yard.

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Showed this on another forum and someone pointed out it had to be really cold since these 2 species live at opposite sides of the planet!
It's been a quiet couple of months for me (from an image making point of view), but finally got some time to look at the daisies. But as ever, there's a fly in the ointment...

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Biggest surprise of the month was an NZ falcon plucking a pigeon on our front lawn. It was dusk, and shot through the living room window, but with some noise reduction and a big crop, we have this...

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New Zealand falcon - Kārearea - Falco novaeseelandiae

They're considered fairly rare, but have been making a comeback in recent years. Having one around isn't good for the morning birdsong, but it does help to reduce the bird pressure on our grapes!
Hi Mike,

Looks like very pleasingly crisp conditions - with blue skies and sun! - to be out and about in.

Well controlled shots in evidence here given the snow factor and competing dynamic ranges.

(Love the shadow trails and shapes stretching out across the white canvas).

Thank you for sharing... 🙂

Thanks again :)
Mandarin from last week.View attachment 34356
Hi David,

A sublime capture of an absolutely beautiful and utterly delightful creature - got to be a major contender for cutie of the month!

Superbly controlled, with terrific detail, gloriously rich colours and the perfect eye catch-light.

Well done - and thank you for sharing... :)

It's been a quiet couple of months for me (from an image making point of view), but finally got some time to look at the daisies. But as ever, there's a fly in the ointment...

View attachment 34378

Biggest surprise of the month was an NZ falcon plucking a pigeon on our front lawn. It was dusk, and shot through the living room window, but with some noise reduction and a big crop, we have this...

View attachment 34379
New Zealand falcon - Kārearea - Falco novaeseelandiae

They're considered fairly rare, but have been making a comeback in recent years. Having one around isn't good for the morning birdsong, but it does help to reduce the bird pressure on our grapes!
Hi Gareth,

Two very contrasting, but equally fascinating, shots.

The daisies (plus matching visitor) are beautifully shot and presented, the stunning falcon (with surprised ex-pigeon) is a wonderful low-light capture.

Well done all-round - and thank you for sharing... 🙂

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