Some recent photos:
A great blue heron sitting on a boat, thinking about how easy it would be if he could rig a net to catch fish.

My wife and I were photographing the Boston skyline at night when we noticed this heron on the dock, lit by a single outside light. The photo was taken at 25600 ISO and 1/5 sec (I was using a tripod). But between the R5 and Lightroom's denoise, I still got a reasonable photo.
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A chipping sparrow in our backyard
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I photographed this blue dasher dragonfly at a pond near us. The dragonfly's wings are a bit banged up after a long summer.
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The Boston skyline and the Harvard Bridge with a little lightning from a clearing storm.
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Later the same evening low clouds moved over the skyline, giving this view of the Prudential Tower lighting up the clouds
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A photo of the historic Boston Custom House Tower (now a Marriott resort hotel) and the Rose Kennedy Greenway. The Greenway was created when the 1950s era Central Artery highway, a rusting, ugly green structure, was demolished after moving the road underground. This created a large amount of "new" parkland and space for fountains and art exhibits, which has transformed the area.
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