Your R System Images - April 2024

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Today i went to explore new places to catch some birds, and man what a day it was. Here are some shots :) I think that black stork and white heron are so far my best catches.

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There is something about being inside a church that always relax's me; whether it's full or empty, a tiny chapel, a small church, a towering Cathedral or Basilica, We visited many churches on this trip, below is a selection of photos from a few of them.
1. Menerbes, France. Small chapel in the village.
2. Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur - Aix En Provence.
3. St. Remy de Provence
4 & 5. Arles, France
6 - 9. Cathedral Saint Andre - Bourdeaux
10. Cathedral La Seao - Zaragoza, Spain
11 - 14. Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain. It's hard to describe the Sagrada Familia & even harder to capture in photos. It is astonishing inside.
15 - 20. St. Peter's Basilica, Rome, Italy. The first day queues outside were huge so we came back early the next morning, straight in, hardly anyone inside.
21. A small church in Florence.
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We hope you enjoy creating memorable images this month!

(One year in now and still going strong - a HUGE ‘Thank You’ to all of the contributors from us both).

*** Posted early as we’re off to North Wales for a Frank-Fest - no feedback from us until we return ***

Stay safe and well…

Phil and Karen 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Any R System images (stills or movies) can be posted. If you would like to say something about the subject, settings, or processing, that will be very welcome.

Remember, you don't have to only post things you took this month - sometimes people don't get around to processing/ editing images straight after shooting. (Think of it more as an ‘images I’d like to post here this month’ thing). Images taken with non-R System lenses are also very welcome as this adds to the interest.

Images posted on this thread will also be available to view in the dedicated Monthly R System Images Gallery, which can be found Here.

Commenting on people’s posts is encouraged, as it keeps everyone interested and coming back. (Please aim to be considerate, thoughtful and constructive).

We aim to provide feedback - but note we are away for part of each month and busy with ‘life stuff’. The lack of a comment from us is not a sign of disfavour!

Finally, please post in accordance with the RF Shooters Community Guidelines.

Thank you!
Been away for a while what with kidney stones, UTI and a virus thingy.
So it was good to be able to get out with the camera again, all be it a little rusty. Oh and to find I had deleted an AF setup which is useful for butterflies waving about on a flower!
Hope you enjoy my, rusty, photos of Orange Tip Butterfly and Little Gull.


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I went out chasing clear skies for the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse in the United States. Totality was my goal with no clouds. I ended up driving up to Jackman Maine which was close to the middle of the path of totality and 16 miles from the Canadian border. I got my wish for no clouds and it was even pretty at 50 degrees F. It did cause the snow that was covering the grass at the lakeside park I set-up with eight friends who were also shooting the event with Olympus and Nikon Cameras. Four of us were shooting Canon Mirrorless. So here are a couple of shots captured in Maine. 1. Portrait composition of Corona at totality. 2. The diamond ring which happened just before totality ended. 3. A centered composition of eclipse at totality with a closer crop of Corona 4. This next image is a composite that has the first diamond ring when totality started, a Corona shot in the middle and the last diamond ring just before totality ended. Place this grouping of shots on a base image of the night sky filled with stars in my night sky folder. The last image is one of Baileys Beads which happened at the beginning of totality just after the first diamond ring. Baileys Beads can also be seen at the end of totality just before the diamond ring.

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Wonderful photos, Art. I love seeing the solar flares. My daughter and her friends were northeast of you in Caribou and had great views too.
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A few recent bird photos. Activity is picking up as mating season approaches.
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An American robin in our back yard. American robins belong to the thrush family and are related to bluebirds, but named after the European robin that so many members have such wonderful photos of. From an esthetic standpoint, I like the European robins better.

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A male eastern bluebird stretching its wings.

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This little black-capped chickadee was singing its heart out.

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Whenever I take a common grackle photo, I can't help but anthropomorphize the bird as being really mad about something. I love their iridescent colors, though.
I was kind of board this past Tuesday so grabbed my Canon R and the RF 24-105mm and my Tokina EF mount 100mm macro and went to the local garden nursery to have a look around. It was overcast so nice even lighting. Upon arriving I thought I'd start with the macro lens for some flower closeups. Only problem was I forgot to put on the EF to RF adapter! So off I went from the car with the 24-105mm which in the end worked out fine. It focuses quite close to the subject and the zoom allows you increase or decrease the image without moving much.

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Hi Chris,

A terrific set of striking images - that looks like a great place for photography (and you've made the most of it!).

Thank you for sharing... :)

Today i went to explore new places to catch some birds, and man what a day it was. Here are some shots :) I think that black stork and white heron are so far my best catches.

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Hi Bartosz,

A super collection of nailed-on captures - we'd agree that the heron and stork shots are absolutely wonderful with perfect poses, detail and eye-pop.

Well done - and thank you for sharing... :)

There is something about being inside a church that always relax's me; whether it's full or empty, a tiny chapel, a small church, a towering Cathedral or Basilica, We visited many churches on this trip, below is a selection of photos from a few of them.
1. Menerbes, France. Small chapel in the village.
2. Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur - Aix En Provence.
3. St. Remy de Provence
4 & 5. Arles, France
6 - 9. Cathedral Saint Andre - Bourdeaux
10. Cathedral La Seao - Zaragoza, Spain
11 - 14. Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain. It's hard to describe the Sagrada Familia & even harder to capture in photos. It is astonishing inside.
15 - 20. St. Peter's Basilica, Rome, Italy. The first day queues outside were huge so we came back early the next morning, straight in, hardly anyone inside.
21. A small church in Florence.
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Hi Myles,

Wow, a jaw dropping collection of amazing images - you've clearly savoured visiting (and capturing) these achingly beautiful places.

Inspirational stuff - thank you for sharing... :)

Been away for a while what with kidney stones, UTI and a virus thingy.
So it was good to be able to get out with the camera again, all be it a little rusty. Oh and to find I had deleted an AF setup which is useful for butterflies waving about on a flower!
Hope you enjoy my, rusty, photos of Orange Tip Butterfly and Little Gull.


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Hi Phil,

Sorry to read you've been dealing with some undesirable issues - trust all is well now - but, it's good to see you back here and on top form too.

Nailed on images throughout, with terrific detail and colours (but no rust!) in evidence.

Thank you for sharing... :)

Only thing faster than light - the weekend. . . . . can't believe it's Monday tomorrow

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Hi David,

We think many people will be able to empathise with this feeling!

Thank you for sharing - and making us smile on an incredibly wet and dismally dreary Monday morning here in central England... :)

A few recent bird photos. Activity is picking up as mating season approaches.
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An American robin in our back yard. American robins belong to the thrush family and are related to bluebirds, but named after the European robin that so many members have such wonderful photos of. From an esthetic standpoint, I like the European robins better.

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A male eastern bluebird stretching its wings.

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This little black-capped chickadee was singing its heart out.

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Whenever I take a common grackle photo, I can't help but anthropomorphize the bird as being really mad about something. I love their iridescent colors, though.
Hi Don,

A spectacular series of beautifully captured images of amazing creatures - terrific fine feathers detail and eye-pop in evidence throughout.

Almost impossible to single out a favourite (they're all absolutely superb), but if pushed - #4 has a terrific, smile inducing, 'angry bird' look!

Thank you for sharing... :)

Images from a recent visit to Packwood House, Warwickshire, England.

(Shot raw and processed using: DxO PhotoLab Elite/ ViewPoint, Adobe Lightroom Classic/ Photoshop with Tony Kuyper TK-9 Panels and Topaz Labs Photo AI).

You can find out more about Packwood House by clicking Here.

Phil and Karen

1. Packwood was home to yeoman farmers, the Fetherston family, from the 15th to the middle of the 19th century. The house, built between 1556 and 1560, was later much extended and restored.

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2. It was subsequently purchased in 1904 by industrialist Alfred Ash, who reportedly bought it for his son Graham Baron Ash. (It is rumoured that before the battle of Edgehill in 1642, during the English Civil War, Henry Ireton - one of Oliver Cromwell’s generals - slept in this bed at Packwood).

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3. Baron Ash (as he liked to be known) inherited Packwood in 1925 and set about restoring and ‘beautifying’ it, transforming it into a modern and fashionable country house. He also created a new Great Hall from what was originally a cow barn (lower left) - the parties held here were legendary.

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4. In 1927, the crowning event of Baron Ash’s social career and one his proudest moments saw Queen Mary visit Packwood for tea - the room to which she retired for rest was named after her.

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5. Glamourous Russian socialite Prince George Chavchavadze caused ripples with his visit here in 1931. His recital on the late 17th-century spinet in the Great Hall was the hottest ticket in town. The instrument, signed by Chavchavadze, is now kept in the Drawing Room (lower image).

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6. On 30 June 1941, Baron Ash gave Packwood, its collections, park and garden and £30,000 to the National Trust in memory of his parents. In his ‘Memorandum of wishes’, Baron Ash stated that providing all furniture was kept in the same position, no extra furnishings were added, and freshly cut flowers were placed in every room, it would remain his legacy to posterity.

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(Sources: National Trust and Wikipedia).
Took a day trip south of Houston to Brazos Bend State Park. The number of birds out and about was lower than what I usually see, must have been off at a more remote end of the park. Still it was a nice day.

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Took a day trip south of Houston to Brazos Bend State Park. The number of birds out and about was lower than what I usually see, must have been off at a more remote end of the park. Still it was a nice day.

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Hi Chris,

We're getting a strong sense of deja-vu with these - is this a duplicate post from the one you made yesterday? (Except for the cormorant).



(Having said that, it's very nice to see them all again so soon... 😅 ).
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Spent the day on a local river trying to find a rather lovely bird. The Dipper was busy delivering food to a nearby nest. Must be tiring as it didn't stop in the number of hours I was there. Quite an enigmatic bird.
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What I've always liked about walking around the cities in Europe is the contrast of old & new, quiet back-streets & bustling cities.
These 2 shots were taken in Bordeaux, France a few hours apart, less than 200 metres from each other.
Looking East down Rue du Cancera, a short walk in the opposite direction takes us to the main shopping area along Rue Sainte-Catherine. They could be two different worlds.

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