Kicking my heels while we get a new side gate fitted today, so found myself doing another sample editing workflow. (Similar in principle to the last one).
This shot was taken by me with my R (a long time ago - but in the same galaxy) in Hartshill, Warwickshire, England.
Software used: Adobe LrC/ PS with Tony Kuyper Panels, DxO Nik Collection (Color Efex) and Topaz Labs Studio 2.
(I repeat this is not saying I'm God's gift to processing, but if you're interested in what I do - here you go... again.

1. In the beginning - as shot (unedited raw/ converted to jpg for upload). My objective was to create a dreamy/ minimalist and (vaguely) B&W-ish image.
View attachment 33976
2. LrC - Initial basic edit (tone, presence, 5:4 crop applied).
View attachment 33977
3. PS - Healing of minor blemishes on the flower petals and crop adjusted. TK9 Panels - minor subject spotlight and subtle contrast to petals added. NCE (Solarisation and Infrared Film Filters applied). PS - Very minor colour grading, custom logo brushed in (slight L->R fade created using a layer mask/ gradient).
View attachment 33978
4. LrC - Minor tweaks to tone (basically to address slight over-popping of the highlights, plus shadows raised a smidge). TS2 - Digital Frame added.
View attachment 33979