Your R System Images - January 2025

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Reflections on my New favorite Art Installation in Providence. The reflections of the winter trees in it just makes my abstract loving heart beat faster. I see a dachshund chasing a rhino and a dragon with a bad hairdo swooping down on the dachshund. Anyone else see things?
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I am calling this image of youngest daughter Terran a "Bear in the Woods". This is because I nicknamed my youngest daughter Terbear when she was little :)

View attachment 33884
Hi Art,

A very pleasing treatment which draws the viewer inexorably into those mesmerising eyes.

(Hopefully your daughter was suitably impressed!).

Thank you for sharing... 🙂

One more Eagle Fishing Action capture View attachment 33887taken on January 1, 2025 with Canon R52 and RF 200-800 lens
Hi Art,

A text book image of a wonderful creature, beautiful captured and presented.

Eye-catching in every sense - with superb levels of detail and rich colours.

Well done indeed - and thank you for sharing... 🙂

Signs of spring in the depths of winter... Another from a cold and snow few days in New Hampshire.View attachment 33901
Hi Hali,

A relatively minimalist composition which nonetheless speaks volumes (we began to feel the need for warmer clothing just looking at it!).

The pastel shades add to the already dreamy ambience, creating a peaceful space fit for endless daydreams.

Well seen and caught - and thank you for sharing... 🙂

Reflections on my New favorite Art Installation in Providence. The reflections of the winter trees in it just makes my abstract loving heart beat faster. I see a dachshund chasing a rhino and a dragon with a bad hairdo swooping down on the dachshund. Anyone else see things?View attachment 33941
Hi Hali,

What a fantastic piece of art which, combined with your eye and imagination (and talents!), has become a truly eye-catching composition.

We see mainly tortured faces of ghosts in the night, but there's also a touch of bar-room brawl at the end of a heavy night of celebrations.

Either way, what a striking effect - no pun intended! :cool: - thank you for sharing... 🙂

A few pictures of today's snow in Pennsylvania
These are all in color, even though they look to be B&W
I couldn't resist taking the broken parking meter

View attachment 33943

View attachment 33944

View attachment 33945
Hi Mike,

We do enjoy wandering around in the snow - early when possible, though later in the day often yields some interesting shots in the wake of other people.

A fascinating shiver inducing collection here - we'd be tempted to go B&W with image #2 (but leave the shovel in colour).

You did well to keep a steady hand amid the icy conditions (hopefully no lasting chills!).

Well done on getting out there - and thank you for sharing... 🙂

A few images from our recent strolls around the local woods in Hartshill, Warwickshire, England.

(Shot raw and processed using: DxO PL Elite, Adobe LrC/ PS with Tony Kuyper Panels and Topaz Labs Photo AI).

Phil and Karen

1. Welcome to (a bit of) England in winter...

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2. Don't worry - you're not alone... (Karen's hand).

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3. Yes, the bulge in my pocket is a bag of seed and nuts...

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4. Nuthatch (with nut)...

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5. Hello bright eyes...

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6. Sitting on the fence...

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Had another dusting of snow overnight, the sky looked promising decided to take the Sigma art 24 and 50 out, these lenses are just a joy to use. A tad heavy though.

A huge amount of Starlings took off as I approached incredible to see, glad I wasn't under them.


Had another dusting of snow overnight, the sky looked promising decided to take the Sigma art 24 and 50 out, these lenses are just a joy to use. A tad heavy though.

A huge amount of Starlings took off as I approached incredible to see, glad I wasn't under them.
View attachment 33968

View attachment 33970
View attachment 33971
Hi Nick,

Stupendous tree/ sky-scapes, each with their own charm and pleasing qualities, but for us #2 is an absolute peach (cracking tree and perfect timing!).

Getting out their early has certainly reaped rich rewards - well done and thank you for sharing... 🙂

Looks like they are playing with their food again. Pohick Bay Bald Eagle aerial antics 1.1.2025View attachment 33972
Hi Art,

Exceptional work yet again in securing this remarkable capture.

(Pohick Bay is looking like a particularly bad place to be a fish).

Thank you for sharing... 🙂

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Practicing a Shallow Depth of FieldView attachment 33974
Hi Dean,

A striking and punchy capture featuring a pleasing combination of colours, textures, detail and blur.

The 1:1 crop works well - and the incredibly cute subject is a guaranteed attention grabber.

Thank you for sharing... 🙂

Kicking my heels while we get a new side gate fitted today, so found myself doing another sample editing workflow. (Similar in principle to the last one).

This shot was taken by me with my R (a long time ago - but in the same galaxy) in Hartshill, Warwickshire, England.

Software used: Adobe LrC/ PS with Tony Kuyper Panels, DxO Nik Collection (Color Efex) and Topaz Labs Studio 2.


(I repeat this is not saying I'm God's gift to processing, but if you're interested in what I do - here you go... again. :) ).

1. In the beginning - as shot (unedited raw/ converted to jpg for upload). My objective was to create a dreamy/ minimalist and (vaguely) B&W-ish image.

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2. LrC - Initial basic edit (tone, presence, 5:4 crop applied).

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3. PS - Healing of minor blemishes on the flower petals and crop adjusted. TK9 Panels - minor subject spotlight and subtle contrast to petals added. NCE (Solarisation and Infrared Film Filters applied). PS - Very minor colour grading, custom logo brushed in (slight L->R fade created using a layer mask/ gradient).

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4. LrC - Minor tweaks to tone (basically to address slight over-popping of the highlights, plus shadows raised a smidge). TS2 - Digital Frame added.

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I am taking a multiple exposure workshop for the next few weeks and the first weeks assignment was 360/180 images i.e. the Pep Ventosa style. This was my first try with a tree in a local park. It’s particularly hard to find subjects right now in Nee England. Most of the trees are twiggy and there’s isn’t much contrast between them and the background. (I have more but the original images were taken with my iPhone after my R6mii froze in the 10F weather)
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I am taking a multiple exposure workshop for the next few weeks and the first weeks assignment was 360/180 images i.e. the Pep Ventosa style.
I have been following Alan Brown Photography for a few years in an F-stoppers community group: "Minimalism, Abstract, Experimental" and it is great to see the creativity.

I am taking a multiple exposure workshop for the next few weeks and the first weeks assignment was 360/180 images i.e. the Pep Ventosa style. This was my first try with a tree in a local park. It’s particularly hard to find subjects right now in Nee England. Most of the trees are twiggy and there’s isn’t much contrast between them and the background. (I have more but the original images were taken with my iPhone after my R6mii froze in the 10F weather)View attachment 34013
Hi Hali,

A very pleasing painterly effect in evidence here, with your inventive processes creating an artistic blend of texture/ detail, colour palette and contrast.


(Having only recently completed our morning wood stroll in a comparatively balmy -4C, we feel your R6mkii's pain... 🥶).

Thank you for sharing... 🙂

Cream of Roses ~ Underwater Flower Photography

She was going to throw the bouquet of roses away, but I had other plans.

Setup List:

Half and Half
and the proverbial Kitchen Sink

View attachment 34015View attachment 34016
Hi Dean,

Wonderfully artistic outcomes, well worth your efforts. We adore the dreamy soft focus and gentle pastel colours this imaginative technique yields.

Inspirational stuff indeed! Well done - and thank you for sharing... 🙂

It's that time of year here again, so a few more images from recent mud and ice infused strolls around the woods in Hartshill, Warwickshire, England.

(Shot raw and processed using: DxO PL Elite, Adobe LrC/ PS with Tony Kuyper Panels and Topaz Labs Photo AI).

[Workflow: LrC (Import raw/ weeding/ selection) -> raw via plug-in -> DxO PLE (Custom Preset for basic processing - inc. Camera Rendering, Lens Profile, NR) -> DNG -> LrC (minor tweaks/ Crop) -> TIFF -> PS -> TIFF via plug-in -> TPA (minor background NR, minor subject Sharpening) -> TIFF -> PS (TK9 Panels - Vignette/ minor subject Spotlight, subtle selective Paint Contrast using 15% opacity Brush. Resized to forum format) -> TIFF -> LrC (Keywording/ Export etc)].

Phil and Karen

1. Hello bright eyes...

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2. Nuthatch (with nut substitute)...

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3. It's the Sun!

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4. That's going to be a big nut to crack...

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5. Hoping to succeed...

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6. Hold it right there...

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Kicking my heels while we get a new side gate fitted today, so found myself doing another sample editing workflow. (Similar in principle to the last one).

This shot was taken by me with my R (a long time ago - but in the same galaxy) in Hartshill, Warwickshire, England.

Software used: Adobe LrC/ PS with Tony Kuyper Panels, DxO Nik Collection (Color Efex) and Topaz Labs Studio 2.


(I repeat this is not saying I'm God's gift to processing, but if you're interested in what I do - here you go... again. :) ).

1. In the beginning - as shot (unedited raw/ converted to jpg for upload). My objective was to create a dreamy/ minimalist and (vaguely) B&W-ish image.

View attachment 33976

2. LrC - Initial basic edit (tone, presence, 5:4 crop applied).

View attachment 33977

3. PS - Healing of minor blemishes on the flower petals and crop adjusted. TK9 Panels - minor subject spotlight and subtle contrast to petals added. NCE (Solarisation and Infrared Film Filters applied). PS - Very minor colour grading, custom logo brushed in (slight L->R fade created using a layer mask/ gradient).

View attachment 33978

4. LrC - Minor tweaks to tone (basically to address slight over-popping of the highlights, plus shadows raised a smidge). TS2 - Digital Frame added.

View attachment 33979
I love this very art style you’ve created with the rose and thank you for the workflow. I’m going to give that a try with my next flower with a difficult background! I’ve never ventured to use either the IR or solarization present ins NCE but know you’ve got me thinking. Thanks Phil!!
Looks like they are playing with their food again. Pohick Bay Bald Eagle aerial antics 1.1.2025View attachment 33972
This is just a stunning image!!! Is that the parent feeding the juvenile or just an “oops, sorry honey I dropped dinner” moment?
I love this very art style you’ve created with the rose and thank you for the workflow. I’m going to give that a try with my next flower with a difficult background! I’ve never ventured to use either the IR or solarization present ins NCE but know you’ve got me thinking. Thanks Phil!!
Hi Hali,

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! :)

I know the fun is in the experimentation, but for your info these are the settings I used with the flower in Nik Color Efex.


Screenshot 2025-01-10 at 13.26.12.png
Hi Hali,

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! :)

I know the fun is in the experimentation, but for your info these are the settings I used with the flower in Nik Color Efex.


View attachment 34041
Thanks so much, Phil! It is always great to have a starting point to start experimenting with. Now to find a good image to play with!
It's that time of year here again, so a few more images from recent mud and ice infused strolls around the woods in Hartshill, Warwickshire, England.

(Shot raw and processed using: DxO PL Elite, Adobe LrC/ PS with Tony Kuyper Panels and Topaz Labs Photo AI).

[Workflow: LrC (Import raw/ weeding/ selection) -> raw via plug-in -> DxO PLE (Custom Preset for basic processing - inc. Camera Rendering, Lens Profile, NR) -> DNG -> LrC (minor tweaks/ Crop) -> TIFF -> PS -> TIFF via plug-in -> TPA (minor NR to background, minor Sharpening to subject) -> TIFF -> PS (TK9 Panels - Vignette/ minor subject Spotlight, subtle selective Paint Contrast using 15% opacity Brush. Resized to forum format) -> TIFF -> LrC (Keywording/ Export etc)].

Phil and Karen

1. Hello bright eyes...

View attachment 34019

2. Nuthatch (with nut substitute)...

View attachment 34020

3. It's the Sun!

View attachment 34021

4. That's going to be a big nut to crack...

View attachment 34022

5. Hoping to succeed...

View attachment 34023

6. Hold it right there...

View attachment 34024
I love these! Beautiful little birds and great poses and light. It’s what makes getting out in the cold worthwhile!
I love these! Beautiful little birds and great poses and light. It’s what makes getting out in the cold worthwhile!
Hi Hali,

Cheers - much appreciated! :)

It's always a joy at this time of year - an enjoyable walk with a fine purpose.

(The symbiotic relationship of photographers and birds in winter - of course, come summer they won't want to know us... 😂 ).

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